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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. BTW - Bioshock Infinite has nothing to do with Bioshock 1 & 2. Except the title. different timeframe different "universe". Sort of like the Final Fantasy series. They don't relate except in the title. So you don't have to know anything about or ever have played 1 or 2.
  2. fantastic game. intelligent and very well done ending. but I can't go into why I didn't like the ending without giving alot away in spoilers. The entire game is extremely well made, extremely engrossing and fun, and does not insult your intelligence - which is rare in media these days. Sure there are some plot tropes in it, but overall it was a great game, highly recommend.
  3. Holy Frak did I hate that ending.
  4. http://deiramarket.com/dubai/wholesaler/uploadpics/P1016095_1-9fb344b5af6e717eed058d461d7e51df.jpg
  5. 18seconds The gayness was just too pungent
  6. This. Although what I REALLY want is a V sedan with AWD. I'd trade in mine for that in a heartbeat. Don't know why they can't give us that. The regular CTS comes in AWD. And its not like they didn't give the first V the glass-jaw rear end off the regular CTS anyway.... (of which I've had to fix myself, under warranty at least)
  7. Didnt say I was buying, just handling. Do my buying thru friends or online.
  8. Dare I visit Cabela's during work hours today or is it still crazy packed/traffic-jammed up there? Anyone in the area?
  9. Very cool. I gotta think though, if that blower ever let loose - even with that (plexiglass looking?) shield there, you're gonna be decapitated.
  10. Yes! Hero bus driver of the year. This bus and Bus 62 should have kids. Lets all learn from this: don't cut off trucks. Cut off BMWs.
  11. We won't need to shoot anything down. Their rocket would be lucky to cross the Pacific PS - our missile defense systems beat the living shit out of anything anyone else has, by far. Including the Israelis. (I speak from direct professional experience)
  12. You people act like N Korea has a missile that can reach and actually hit the US. Who cares if they have an atomic weapon. Nuclear warheads have always been much easier to build than the rockets that deliver them. Rockets and nukes are inversely proportional technologies: Nukes: extremely hard materials to acquire and refine, easy to build and operate Rocket: easy materials to acquire and refine, extremely hard to build and operate
  13. taken down oooh ouch Biden lays the copyright smackdown what a douche ... saved http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzEd6MNihlg
  14. This. I am watching the sky for the hand of god. REPENT!
  15. Am I on CR? Someone posts a vid of a Mustang NOT losing a race??? The world is ending.
  16. Still rockin my HTC Thunderbolt. Tough act to top.
  17. What section are the ARs and high capacity magazines in? Next to the Joe Biden blowup dolls?
  18. Is the goat on tour with Taylor Swift?
  19. Meh. That "crash hurts spectators" - complete "shocking" video - pales next to airshow crashes. Anyone saw the recent Reno Air Race where the P51 Mustang grenaded into the crowd? lol Nascar "crashes"..... weaksauce
  20. That car's styling screams "Altima". Bleh
  21. Who else was praying to god that he'd wreck?
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