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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Looks like it performed much better than the cheby This
  2. Called Verizon retail locations in Dublin, Tuttle area, Grandview, Upper Arlington, and Hilliard. As well as the micro stores in Best Buy and the Tuttle mall. None offer it, know how to do it ("officially" - a couple of the counter kids said they did) or even think their parent company allows it. two store managers also chimed in with a wtf? Luckily I root my own shit, but still.
  3. I will believe that when I see it. I know of no carrier anywhere who currently does this, much less even maintains the technical expertise in their employee base to even offer it. I do not see them suddenly ramping up on the capability to do so across their myriad sales and support channels. I would sooner expect monkeys to fly out of my ass. But yes in fact according to the wording of the legislation the restriction on unlocking does remain in effect even after the initial contract expires.
  4. Defy the Man! What really makes this bullshit is that it remains in effect even after the phone is bought and paid for and the full contract has expired (Which is a sum total more than the full list price of any phone).
  5. i like how this is getting shared all over facebook with everyone blaming everyone from George Bush to Obama. nothing to do with govt. this is the economy you get when you let financiers and accountants run everything. goodbye sound corporate stewardship, visionary captains of industry and generational companies. hello bottom line optimization, people be damned. enjoy the brave new world everyone. you made it. wait a minute, let me fix that sentence... enjoy the brave new world 0.005%. you now own it.
  6. The great thing about the ES titles like Skyrim, Oblivion, etc has been their moddability. With an online title, how am I supposed to upload my giant wobbly boobed transparent dressed anime blue haired innkeepers? Also, fangs.
  7. Takes balls to want to stick their apple shit into my android pizza. Although, in this case I think it was more a case of HTC exhibiting an extreme lack of intestinal fortitude instead of being men and telling Apple to go suck it. Pre-emptively ganking your own product's software *just in case*? That's some cowardly craven-ness right there. I mean - did they honestly think they'd actually get in trouble for opening apps by clicking a link!?! Seriously? Nobody on the face of this planet (except maybe an american jury) would believe apple invented that. Especially when the whole lawsuit got shafted in europe: EU courts told apple to eat it. Only in Uhmerika.... Oh wait, right, this IS the jury/judge who decided apple invented the touchscreen and the RECTANGLE.
  8. So after digging and researching turns out this was fallout from the Apple lawsuit. Apparently clicking a link opening an app is an invention of apple????? (my ass it was) Anyhoos, to turn this bullshit off go here and follow the instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1696536 You'll need to be rooted. Some ROMs already have the offending HTCLinkifyDispatcher and ro.da1.enable set to false in the build.prop. I am using good old Sense so I got wacked by the lawsuit bullshittery. This had been in effect since apparently June, meaning it hit me with some update 2nd half of the year. I clearly haven't been paying attention. But now, maps work like they should: I click a link on link in a webpage and voila my amazing and world's best map app, Google Maps, opens. (This also applies to Play Store links, Maps addresses, and possibly Contact data and phone numbers.) SUCK MY LONG HAIRY DICK, APPLE!!!
  9. No Joy - none of those fixes it More info: http://androidforums.com/htc-droid-incredible-2/565289-maps-links-opening-in-browser.html
  10. using the default browser on android started a couple months ago - I assumed it was google wanting to drive traffic to their site
  11. nope - clicking a map on search results in the browser still opens maps.google.com instead of the google android map app
  12. Ok my Google-fu has failed me. This changed a few months ago and its bugged me but only recently enough to make me try to fix. So before when I would search for a location from my search function on my Android (Thunderbolt w 2.3.4) it would give me a listing of results ala a Google Search, and when I'd click on a map one there, usually the first result, it used to open up my phone's map app - the vanilla Google Map app - which I love. Now - it takes me to the Google Maps webpage. I cannot stand this since it's gimped half of the functionality I use in navigating with the app. How can I force this to go back to opening the app instead of the maps webpage? Ergo - when I click on a map on a webpage, it opens my map app and not the google maps webpage. (Yes I know I can open the map app first and search from there - I'm not asking that)
  13. Oh great. More airbus crap. All we need.
  14. Did it. Didn't require my full zip, only the 5 digit
  15. Wow. I saw that and it reminded me of my EA-6B days: http://www.carrierbuilders.net/store/images/EA-6-004-A2.JPG Owl. Hmm.
  16. secs 7-9... yeah ... turning with no bank? I don't think so. Fake.
  17. Needs moar iPhone. Actually - needs more apple hipsters laying there.
  18. Aw geeee, all their personal info posted? http://www.inquisitr.com/440545/anonymous-hacks-the-westboro-baptist-church-posts-all-their-personal-information/ I'm so appalled.... They don't deserve *anything* that's bound to be coming to them now. Nope.
  19. Indeed. So. Rare. ...not really So. Interesting. ...not really Its like opening up a treasure chest jingling with coins then finding its full of canadian pennies.
  20. Saw thread title, and thought: "Oh here we go, unleash the CR Krakens. The sheer smackdown inside there will be good for a laugh." *I click, expecting some boney ho most of CR finds attractive on account of teh gay...* BOOM! holy... pardon me while I take a moment. ...and some tissues. voted
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