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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. This +this Some pet owners are really stupid, or have a supremely fucked up sense of priority. "Oh boohoo, I got shit on by my boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/sibling/parent/friend so now animals are higher on my totem pole than other human beings. Only dogs/cats/ponies can show TRUE love." *facepalm* ----------------- As for the OT - its probably in heat. aunt has several dachsunds and they all acted that way as they came into maturity before getting fixed.
  2. Here's a revelation for blues and reds: I don't give a shit if Iran gets a nuke. ...and they're going to. Do I think they'll fire one at Israel? No. Do I think they'll fire one at us? Hell no. Do I think they'll pass out fissile material at the terrorist county faire? No. Do I think the warhawks around the world will use it as an excuse for more bullshittery in the mideast? Yes. Been to the middle east. Fought over it. Ain't nothing there worth fighting for. Including the oil. ----------- It doesn't matter which one of these guys gets elected president, we're all fucked. And that includes both the uneducated redneck hicks in the hills as well as the uneducated black hoodies in the cities. All of them are brainwashed suckers being pointed at each other to blame for their woes. Chumps. "Oh Obama lied about this" "Oh Romney lied about that" Wake the fuck up.
  3. I was wondering the other day how it would be if Bruce Campbell made a guest appearance on this show. Not sure if thats pure awesome or too much awesome where you orbit the planet awesome and land on the darkside of cheesy.
  4. so who spied from the woods? Merle? Governor townie? Bigfoot? ...zombie apocalypse where they fight off a bigfoot attack? that would RULE
  5. Next you should all do an ironing race. Then a sandwich making rally.
  6. Visit the Typing Test and try!
  7. dont really need high quality bang bang when your targets are slow ass and die from needles to the brain. 22LR by the bucketload in any hunting store. or.... kevlar suit and fireman axe. Quiet and no ammo to run out. or... lay down on the road on your stomach in chainmail and enjoy the zombie gum back massage. mmm zombie back massage. and they wont stop or complain they're tired... or... the zombie powered fred flintstone car: wagon + zombie + dangly bit of meat + giant hamster wheel. unlimited mpg I could invent all sorts of ways of being lazy in that world.
  9. Not bad. Stuff starts crashing at 22secs in. I approve of this video.
  10. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mrZ9FLy3z3E/TpkotQBRD2I/AAAAAAAAA2s/faMSYGmry1c/s400/Bert-mary-poppins.jpg
  11. That bus driver is my hero. Well, 3/4 my hero. 100% hero requires knockout.
  12. hmm... Well when they clip out a bit for upload to youtube couldn't they not clip out the extra two minutes of bleh at the beginning? I've gotten to autopiloting FF on car vids on youtube 1-2mins in because I know the whole first part is going to be worthless.
  13. That was the easy part. Whats hard is apparently for car video posters on youtube to NOT ALWAYS post 2 minutes of boring-ass-waste-of-my-time before the good part. FF to 2:30 for crash run. *sigh* Youtube car vids...
  14. Thanks Akula. I'll give you a PM/buzz when I work out and buy what resistors I need for the LED leads. Getting close now.
  15. Thru hole type. Here's a pic: http://imageshack.us/a/img542/188/imag0278sm.th.jpg
  16. I'm needing to solder some lead wires to a circuit board. I can handle the down-wire soldering from there but I don't have the tools or the experience to solder into PCB contacts without drowning the contacts on the board or just fucking the whole thing up altogether. Who or where in town can one find precision soldering services? Could be a business or individual. Would need to be able to handle electrostatic shock as the circuit board i'm wiring up is a one-off and I can't risk it getting damaged due to discharge (there is a processor, mini SD port and non-volatile memory on board). I may need to put resistors inline with some of the lead wires and if possible would like the resistor right on the board and the lead wire to come off the resistor. I'd be willing to travel to wherever to get the work done but not able to leave the board to be worked on - I will need to be present when the work is done. Any help is appreciated.
  17. +1 to the glue on granite being junk. If you want the best granite in town, period: Marble & Granite Works. Industrial Parkway just next to the Harley Dealership. http://www.mgworks.com
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