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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Sweet - I'll be home shopping next year or two.
  2. Shatner looks fucking AMAZING for 80. Nobody on here will remotely look that good at 70. I think he turned down the space ride because a) he's 80, b) it didnt have warp drive, and c) Russian rocket, natch. And YEAH - wtf is up with Bruce Lee and Lee MARVIN dieing young. That just aint right.
  3. how about woman from the inside out eats a damn sammich
  4. Clear the bleachers: http://sportsmoke.com/smoke-grenades-paintball-airsoft/battlefield-grenade
  5. ...and then she was raped getting into her car
  6. Kenny was the first CR member I ever raced, back when I had the 03 Cobra. him in that crappy looking GN that was faster than it shouldve been. Miss Ya man.
  7. LONG way to go before I unplug my home machines from a hardwire. LONG way.
  8. Before we bag on the plant for "Not having contingencies" please remember that TENS OF THOUSANDS of Japanese are dead and hundreds of miles of coastline are trashed from the largest earthquake in recent history followed by the most devastating tsunami in recent history. And yet, despite all that still going on... One fucking leaking plant gets the headlines? People have absolutely no sense of scale or math or science or relative comparisons. Thank God I wasn't born a moron. BTW - the area around Chernobyl? Nature is doing GREAT. Plants and animals are living their normal generational life cycles with no measurable effects. By all measures (taken by the governing bodies set up to monitor the area) nature just didnt give a damn about the Chernobyl incident. No zombies, no 6 legged bears, no two headed fish. Want to create a nature preserve? Meltdown a reactor. ------------ No wait, let me put in in layman's terms: ZOMG NUCULAR!!!!
  9. Its true though: Her head is massive. Body is smoking but she's got a moon parked on her shoulders.
  10. http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/fangs2.JPG
  11. I just about spit out my coffee. That shit goes in the LOL thread.
  12. I think from the geography of it, epicenter, that Japan ran block for Korea and much of the east asia coast, hence little news coming out of those areas. Japan took it on the chin.
  13. +1 on it depends on what you like to watch
  14. Cakes and gold coins for everyone. Because what we did in WWII was *good* and no revisionist history will change that. Struggling against and ultimately defeating two aggressive fascist, openly and brutally violent regimes bent on regional or worldwide domination and ethnic cleansing is called being on the right side. Period. End of sentence. End of paragraph. Oh yeah right. Yeah there was that... *embarrassed face* Ok, books are balanced. Back to your lives, nothing to see here.
  15. *Read thread title. Come in thinking someone stole someone's poop chute. Read OT. Post. Leave*
  16. Wish I saw this before you went. Used to live south of Philly. Coulda told you it was a shithole before you went. My advice for next trip. Buy a pair of tickets from the Philly train station to NYC. Its an hour plus change or so train ride to NYC and you pop out under the Gardens. THERE is a fun town. Think of Philly as remote parking.
  17. whoa. 'scuse me - I walked into a rooma eThugs... Ima let you finish
  18. ...because Cleveland looks as F**Ked up as Detroit...
  19. When I was a kid it was bigfoot and aliens. Now, bigfoot and aliens I can handle. The thought of losing a job drains my blood.
  20. OMFG the Macho Man shit is the funniest thing to happen to this thread in 30 pages! I think I sprained something trying not to bust out laughing at work.
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