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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. They want to make sure that the code that makes sure you end up facing exactly the wrong way when you spin or go off the track is still functioning.
  2. Yeah... I can't hear any difference from the shit I hear over here in the US all the time, so ...yeah...
  3. Still have it.


    I just ticked 70k miles. Had a rear diff seal leak. Rear diffs are the things to look out for. They were the weak link.

    I get some vibration at ~72-77mph. But I attribute to the tranny/drivetrain. This car has the same tranny (tremec T56) that was in my 03 Cobra and that car had the same vibe at similar speeds. Rear mirror gets blurry thats all.

    I had a couple crystals in my LED display lock up last winter but it seemed to fix itself as the weather warmed.

    One of the rear trunk lifts is getting a little weak.

    My right front shock is getting a little weak causing steering wheel jitters when I go over highway seams but nothing worth dropping the $800 to remedy yet.


    Other than that the car has been fine, I'd consider most of the above (other than the LED) wear-out items.


    Regular oil changes and scheduled maintenance. I still drive it like I stole it. ...I just paid some "velocity tax" in it to the good ol UA PD last week...

  4. Chair in space was better http://img.youtube.com/vi/k6PSbUl_68k/0.jpg
  5. Point existing camera at picture of David Hasselhof. Tell skype recipient its me. Fap. /need for this
  6. Musta been the Toyota variant
  7. I like how it hits the news beat when it arrives on the iphone, when a version was put on android first. Gotta love journalism majors...
  8. <--- GM owner Ford of Europe has always been a serious player in the quality car realm. Loved by the automotive press and buying public alike. The secret (unknown at least to the back-woods mullet sportin american consumer) is that its been a quality product in N America for a long while too. Its not that Ford is doing anything "new" over here - well at least since they introduced the edge cars in europe in the late 90s - its that, like ImUrOBGYN said: when all they had to compete against was the same old GM crap, no reason to sink costs into N America to sell enough cars to make some money. Now that GM bankrupted and Ford has to stand against VWs, Audis, etc, they're going to dip into their deep world well of car design more. The previous blase' Ford product line-ups for N. America have been the consumers fault, plain and simple. These are, after all, the same "good enough" consumers that bought GMs. Fords in europe kick ass. I enjoy driving them every visit to the inlaws in Holland.
  9. Got my Garand and M14 already hanging on the wall. When the zombies attack, one for me, one for the boy.
  10. Found the thread: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27198&highlight=free
  11. I think your problem is you are taking parable stories gestated in the culture and context of dozens centuries ago and assuming they are meant to be believed and acted upon as literal. Also, you're projecting an assumption about lack of free will as imposed by the omniscience of a creator being enforced dogma upon its members. Neither is true. I've never in 42 years of catholicism been mandated to take the bible as literal truth. Or to accept someone else's (the priest's) conclusions from it. I've always heard those in the church saying things like think about that, draw your own conclusions. etc. Maybe I've gone to remarkable and above average churchs, but I doubt it. Also, free will, choice, is a core tenant of catholicism. You can *choose* good, aka god, or the opposite, which for literary narrative purposes we've called satan (its easier to write about polar opposites if you can anthropomorphize the concepts). As I view the parable you allude to I draw one conclusion. God couldn't engrain a true free will into his universe, a nondeterministic nature, without two things: time, and a polar choice. So he needed the concept of evil to exist in order for sentience individuals to be truly able to exercise that choice. so yeah, he made it all. I don't see any self-contradicting end goals there at all. This whole concept of a vengeful god is something that has fallen *way* out of vogue (again except for those fiery 2-brain-celled hick preachers out in B.F.E.), but its one that I see alot of non-catholics attach with glue to their impression of the church. I've never once heard a wrath and damnation sermon in my entire life, and I've been dragged to mass since the sixties. Again, I no longer go all that much, maybe a couple times a year in a good year. I feel I "got it" and am set up ok. But every now and then I dip my toes back in for some nostaliga and all the comfort that can come from that. Every time I revisit a mass I come away with the feeling that "nope, they havent gone off the deep end." Now ask me about Quran burning preachers in Florida.... ------------- BTW - free will, and time with it, may in fact be an illusion, or rather an artificial construct, to an all powerful being, but that doesnt mean they aren't real *for us*. In fact, imo, time is more interesting than free will, but they are interlinked. I think I posted some thoughts about this in here a few years back, I'll see if I can find the thread. Fun stuff to think on.
  12. Maybe as preached by backwoods hicks... not anybody I'd listen to. Also, nothing gets "demanded" of me. Its sort of the point of free will. Of course, like having kids requires no intelligence, one doesn't need two brain cells to rub together to preach, just some idiot(s) willing to listen
  13. But since we're here, here's a thought exercise, made up by yours truly, that I like to endulge. Being a scientist by education (I've got two worthless Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineer degrees), I'm well aware of most of the laws of physics and intimately familiar with the scientific method, and have a passing understanding of quantum mechanics and a familiarization with how laws of science come into being. So one tenant physics and quantum mechanics and indeed the scientific method tells us is that one cannot completely describe a system by being embedded in that system. Indeed one cannot even observe a system without altering it, but lets ignore that since its moot and keep to the former. Now imagine the universe as a cup of coffee. Or rather a thermos with a lid on it. Its a good analogy: we know the universe to be a closed system. By definition then, we are in the coffee. And so is everything we can see touch smell taste affect or be affected by. Time is of the coffee. So is math. So is logic. All these concepts are in the coffee cup, they are a part of the coffee cup/thermos. So are any deductive tools that reasoning creatures living in the coffee may bend toward any imaginative or deductive problem. Proofs? PArt of the coffee. Theorems? PArt of the coffee. Love and belief and emotion? Part of the coffee. And so on. Now, as we sit here in our coffee thinking about this and that, turning our brain synapses to this or that concept, we're doing pretty good describing the coffee. Now, describe for me the outside of the mug. Or the table its sitting on. Or the kitchen its sitting in. Or the cook. ------------ You can't. ------------ I like to remind my scientist colleagues, after they've used logic and reasoning to "prove" god can't exist, that not only are they demontrating a distinct lack of good imagination, but they are also violating a core tenant of science. They are therefore not very good scientists. They hate that.
  14. The all emcompassing omniscience of wiki aside..:rollseyes Atheism is a system of belief(s). A system based on belief is, oh I don't know, whats the word, oh yeah, a religion. Lack of evidence is not evidence of absence. Boiled down, believing something without proof is a belief. That belief is correctly labeled religion. Organized or not. Individual or not. Its a belief system. Its religion. Semantics? Yes. The point being, atheists have no greater claim to enlightenment than those of any "religious" nature. Its all just belief.
  15. Sure just like that. The idea being they've heard it all before and can put your slip up into context. They also can help you with the relationship issues it created here on earth. Remember this tradition dates back before marraige councilers and personal therapists. Whatever "stain" the sin did on your soul is still between you and god to square. The priest is just the earthly advisor, being officially on god's team as it were, to help you balance the scales *on earth*. *Good* priests wshould be talking to you about what you did, and the good ones will tell you stuff like "well you need to go talk to so n so and tell them you stole their whatchamacallit" etc. They shouldnt just be saying like "give me 25 hail marys, throw a 20spot in the donation jar and high five me on the way out the door". Catholics don't get into heaven by confessing and going to church and all that. although everyone outside thinks thats what they think, and hell many catholics think that too. They got it all wrong though. All the rituals and practices are just there as comforting reminders. Little vignettes of time to take out of your day, doing some action thats familiar thru repetition, to free your mind for the contemplation. They're not there as entrance exams. Alas alot of people confuse the ritual with the religion. BTW - I'm not a practicing catholic. Just a catholic. But just like when I got orders in the military I consider myself able to distiinguish between "the letter of the order" and its "commander's intent". Pilots had to be able to think on their feet away from the handholding of command. I look upon organized religion the same manner. They are organized ways for someone not to be an asshole. The idea being that if you're taking time regularly to think about the consequences and meaning of your actions, the less likely you are to continue doing bad ones, which hurt both you and those around you, and the world at large (in an osmosis kind of way). But they aren't meant as get out of jail free cards or excuses to go BE an asshole the rest of the week.
  16. Same thing here. I wasa pilot in the navy, no problems with heights at all when on board. Put me in a skyscraper or on top of some other ground-rooted structure? No thank you. Not without a chute. ...now if I had a chute all those posted would be fun for me.
  17. That and the fact that nobody reads shit and jumps to conclusions. ... nobody reads shit and jumps to conclusions. *echo echo echo* Psst: atheism is a religion. BTW - If I'm going to hell I'm pretty sure it has to do with marathon fapping and not the pope.
  18. Guess we're calling the same thing two different names. Thats the widget i'm referring to: bar with both a text field and a microphone icon. you talk or type. If the Google search widget is something else its news to me.
  19. The vette's the all around better drivers car. The Shelby has a better interior and is more comfortable. Squeaks less too. The Shelby name has cache' that regular Mustangs don't, and vettes don't either. And it all depends on the circle you're running with as to which is more "collectible": vette or Shelby. If it was Vette vs Mustang its a no brainer. Regardless of merit, the Shelby name badge matters for investment: old Shelby's pull in more than old vettes on auction. Most women I've talked to like Mustangs more than vettes. They've all called vettes "middle-aged Guido cars". They're dumb like that. So it shouldnt be in your calculate for which to buy. Were it me I'd buy the z06. I like my engine.
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