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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. The fuel alone for a 45 minute flight is probably a grand.


    At Pennsecola and Corpus they kept drilling into us how much our training flights were costing the taxpayer. I lol'd


    Personally, prop flights are more exciting than the jets. You just tend to get more... visceral experience... intruding into the cockpit from the mechanics. I popped more chubbies in the T34 than I did in the T38. Sound noise vibration all of it. Jets are very smooth by comparison. ...well except for my old ass Prowler.

  2. I'm not getting anything out of anything he said as being racist. There was CLEARLY dialog that happened before that camera rolled. That mouthy ass deserved to get his shit beat. So did his lippy gf for that matter. Rofl for her assumption and subsquent lesson in reality. Too bad gramps didn't have his assuredly ass kicking grandma along with him to shut that bitch up too.
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