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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Thought I wanted an iPhone. But cannot stand Cingular and will never go back. So I broke down and bought a motorola droid.


    At first thought "meh" - it was better than my blackberry, but I wasnt jizzing my pants or anything. Then I say down with a friend who is an iPhone pro and has one and we went thru what each could do and couldnt do, showing it on the phones as we talked.


    Yeah, I'm no no longer wanting an iPhone.

  2. Its an act. Who cares how he chooses to act?


    He has a lot of talent. Been watching him for a long while now. Just getting better and better as he keeps learning and trying new things.


    Wish him nothing but the best luck.


    Seems like an honest lover of music and sharing that.

  3. Just saw it.


    Plotline was utterly predictable from 2 minutes in. Cliche and borrowed and old.


    And the morality play was heavyhanded and childish.


    But nonetheless I had fun for the whole movie and will go again. Good movie.



    ........The blue chicks needed bigger boobs though.

  4. thx for the info beast.


    I'm on my 2nd blackberry now, and my previous phone two back that i hated the verizon overlay was a krzr - THAT was the one with the irritating Verizon OS overlay. My last two blackberries I've bought online then activated them myself. But i'm fed up with blackberry.


    As for size, I've always gone for brick or flips as small as possible to fit in my pocket (ala the Pearl) but i'm coming to the realization that for what I need I'll need to become one of those belt clipping nerds. I'm looking at the Motorola for the screen realestate and the keyboard (which I've tried in store and like).


    re: screen real estate - thats why i'm asking if verizon overlays the OS or not.


    re: functionality - Any rundown on what, if anything, in the OS they lock or restrict in any way?

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