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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. 48 hours into this and am really starting to love Win7.


    XP what?


    spaceghost - I'm not surprised Websphere isnt working with Win7. I deal with IBM all day, both their global services folks and htir product division people, and have no illusions about their relationship with Microsoft nor their policy toward working with MS or MS' product line.


    If IBM built its own shit that worked instead of acquiring everything, maybe they'd have a leg to stand on. Lotus Notes anyone? As it is, I stay with other IDEs whenever possible. Problem is we can't choose at work often, yeah? My main client is an IBM shop. Am I bitter? Bah.

  2. Found and fixed the problem. For some reason there were two network adapters present in Device manager:

    - the Broadcom one that runs my linksys card

    - and an Atheros L1 gigabit card one.

    hmm no idea why that second one was there - I'd disabled the motherboard's onboard network port in bios before I started the install.


    Anyhoo, I disabled the Atheros in Device Manager and *poof* back up to speed. In fact its now ~45% faster than XP was: its now ~9.7Mbps down (upload unaffected).






    Wondering if I should turn IPv6 support back on. Or the other stuff..... probably wont until I run into some other problem.

  3. So I upgraded to Winmdows 7 last night and now my internet has gone thru the floor.


    Prior to this I had XP and logged ~6.5Mbps on a speed test. Now it pegs at ~0.50Mbps. Its like its throttled. Bounces right up to .5Mbps and stays there. I tested on my other PC, a laptop still on XP and its still at 6.5Mbps. so its not my router or cable modem.





    Fresh Windows 7 (64bit ultimate) install on a new drive

    No hardware changes at all except added the new harddrive

    wireless is a PCI Linksys WMP300N

    Router is also Linksys

    Excellent to very good signal strength


    What I've tried so far:

    I've tried several driver updates. Tried allowing Win7 to use the default broadcom driver. Its currently running on the default driver.


    I tried doing the following:

    netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled


    I disabled IPv6 support


    double HELP.

  4. I've owned Fords, GMs, Hondas, Mitsus, VWs, a Porsche, Mercedes, and one BMW. I've talked to mechanics who work on all of them and they ALL hate their ownbrand the worst. Ford techs hate Fords, BMW techs hate BMW, on and on and on.


    Its *ALL* personal conjecture. Rationalizing what you like with anecdotes.


    They all break. Or they all run to a million miles. Anyone thinks one brand is blanketly better than another hasnt been around long enough.


    Buy what you want. Trash it or take care of it is the main factor in how it will last.

  5. going into iran is a chump rookie move. they're going to have an internal revolution if we just leave em alone long enough.


    <-- not worried about the nukes. Yep thats right, I said it. I'm not worried about the nukes. gee wonder why?....

  6. I rolled with my 9, cruising the hood with my homies.

    into Japanese


    back into English

    I was 9, my homies in the hood and started cruising.

    back into Japanese


    back into English

    I was 9 was a day my homies hood and started cruising.

    back into Japanese


    back into English

    I was 9 years old my hood homies was cruise start date.

    back into Japanese


    back into English

    I was 9 years old hood My homies had a year start date of cruise.

    back into Japanese


    back into English

    I was starting my day cruise homies nine-year-old food.

    back into Japanese

    私は一日クルーズを始めていた9 homies歳の食べ物。

    back into English

    I began a day cruise on the age of 9 homies food.

    back into Japanese

    私は9 homies食品の年齢日間のクルーズを始めた。

    back into English

    I was age 9 homies food-day cruise began.

    back into Japanese

    私は9 homies食品日間の航海を始めた時代だった。

    back into English

    9 homies was a time I started a food-day voyage.

    back into Japanese

    9 homies私は食品日間の航海の開始時間でした。

    back into English

    9 homies I was a food-day cruise start time.

    back into Japanese

    私は食品日間の航海の開始時間は9 homies。

    back into English

    I-day cruise start time food 9 homies.

    back into Japanese

    私は日間の航海の開始時刻食品9 homies。

    back into English

    Food time I started sailing days 9 homies.

    back into Japanese

    私は日中9 homiesセーリングを開始食品の時間。

    back into English

    9 homies hours during the day I started sailing food.

    back into Japanese

    私は食品セーリングを開始、日中9 homies時間前。

    back into English

    I started sailing food during the day time before 9 homies.

    back into Japanese

    私は日の時間中に食品セーリングを開始9 homies前。

    back into English

    I started sailing during the time of day food before 9 homies.

    back into Japanese

    私はお食事の時に9 homies前に、航海を開始した。

    back into English

    I was dining at 9 homies before the voyage began.

    back into Japanese

    前の航海を始めた私は9 homiesで食事をした。

    back into English

    I started a previous voyage had dinner at 9 homies.

    back into Japanese

    私は9 homiesで食事をした以前の航海を開始した。

    back into English

    9 homies started I had dinner earlier in the voyage.

    back into Japanese

    9 homies夕食以前の航海のが始まった。

    back into English

    9 homies started before dinner cruise.

    back into Japanese

    9 homiesディナークルーズ前に開始した。

    back into English

    9 homies started before dinner cruises.

    back into Japanese

    9 homiesディナークルーズ前に開始した。

    back into English

    9 homies started before dinner cruises.



    Equilibrium found!

    That's deep, man.

  7. RIP Michael Jackson. Artist, human being, and good soul.


    He gave huge amounts of money and charity to children's causes pulling untold numbers of children out of starvation, poverty and destitution around the world. He gave people worldwide joy and happiness thru his songs and entertainment (just read a figure on the charity dollars and other charity works, its staggering). By way of comparison, 99.99% of CR members lifetime achievements amount to ultimately pointless arguing about their automobiles and jerking it to manga.


    If you believe he did molest children, you are gullible, malleable, and ignorant of the way the world works (especialy lawsuits looking for $), and if I wasnt so damn lazy I could soak you for every dime you have, given how manipulate-able you clearly must be.


    Not going to go any further into defending him from the witless hordes.


    RIP Michael

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