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Posts posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Rofl demographic threat.


    So the arabs are gonna drive em out by knocking up their chicks and pumping out arab tots?




    Arab: "I hate you Jews! ...I'm gonna go home and shoot a load in my wife"

    Jew: "Oh yeah? I'm a gonna go find a bar chick and shoot TWO loads!"

    Arab: "Oh its ON!"

    *the two antagonists run off to get busy*


    News Reporter: "This week, Palestinians reported 380 nauseated girls, while Isreal reports 290 positive pregnancies in teenagers alone this week."

  2. Oh god please don't torture me with that cocktail science drivel. I assume nothing. I know what I'm talking about. I've been studying this stuff since before you were born. Reread what I typed: Nothing passes thru the light barrier. You had mentioned accelerating thru the light barrier. I corrected you. No findings in the past 25 years have changed that. And no theories queued up for proving or disproving by upcoming LHC experiments (and I'm read up on the darpa synopses of most of them thanks, I can even do the math). You're either faster or you're slower or you're elsewhere. Lightspeed, as a velocity, does not get accelerated thru. Period.


    Sorry to sound harsh. But there's the science and the math of this stuff, then there's the discovery channel and the hollywood of it. The latter makes me ill.

  3. You shoot a particle beam at something, you get a fucked up something. It doesnt go anywhere forward or backward in time. I was in the Navy too, and I minored in physics (and majored in astro engineering). Your navy pals are jerking your chain Dark. Hope you didn't buy em a beer for that story.


    Wormholes dont take you back any farther than the moment you started accelerating one end. Good luck getting that black hole tractor to work there.


    And mikehaze, there's no accelerating faster than light. You can go faster, sure. You can go slower. But you can't accelerate thru the speed of light. (BTW - if you going faster than light you are essentially travelling "backward" in time. Ask any positron.)


    And that swiss ring in hte tomb whatever is the biggest load of hoaxshart I ever read. Why? Because say I'm mr Ring Wearing Time traveller and I pop back and visit me a tomb. Then I take off my ring to Purell off the tomb funk and forget the ring in the tomb. Back in futureland on monday I gotta go to work but I see I lost my ring. Uh oh did I leave it in that tomb I visited Saturday night with Sheila? Quick query on FutureGoogle and woops, ring found in 2008 newspaper. Oopsy, back to the tomb at time index when-I-left-plus-1-microsecond and *poof* *yoink* back comes my ring.


    But all that crap aside, the signal research stuff going on is actually the most interesting (read real).

  4. Uhhh, it'll be anywhere from 15,000mi to 30,000mi closer which will make it appear approximately 14-30% larger, depending on where it is in its revolution tonight.

    No. And no.


    You fail science, math, and analytical reading.


    Heh, I said anal.


    Step 1: Understand Journalists fail the first two in collage.

    Step 2: Realize most journalists are retards when reporting science.

    Step 3: PROFIT!

  5. No, today we are seeing late October/Early November oil.


    Gas prices dropped hard because of an oversupply of "summer gas" and a very weak demand picture.

    No, you're seeing Oct *pumped* oil. Not the package priced blocks. when the companies buy they don't buy an existing pumped commodity they are buying timeslices. Its the right clock. Smells like futures, tastes like (I mean ahem taxes like) commodities. They're all full of crap.


    Never said anything about why the prices dropped. Just that our at-the-pump revenue is coming on the ledgers same timeslice at the $100+ barrel cost. It dont affect you or me. Just the companies. Actually probably not even them because I wouldnt be surprised if they worked some sort of closed-door-backroom-amortization style redux with the supply states.


    I need to be a Shell CFO or a Saudi prince. Bastards. Damn sucks to be me.

  6. If they go Under, I wonder what this will do to the Value of all those Mustangs, F-bodys, Corvettes, Vipers, GTOs and such? Old and New.

    Ford's not going anywhere. But maybe my V will appreciate. Shah! Yeah right, and monkies will fly out of my butt.


    In a supplier based system it doesn't work like that. If the bankruptcy of GM or Chrysler causes the bankruptcy of a supplier (which it certainly will) than Ford's supply line will be cut too. Plants will be shut down, people laid off, money lost. Toyota will be affected in the same manner.
    I understand ripple. I also understand contingency and the opportunity of crisis. What I said is right.


    There never existed an established demand without a supplier. Those gaps get filled so fast it makes your head spin.


    If GM and Chrysler go tits up Toyota and Ford will be in the same supply boat. And they'll both still be around.


    Also, not that its relevent to this subject, but just by way of general ledger trivia: Ford can shut down its North America market, completely, and survive. Right now, Toyota can't. But the Jap govt would bail them out, so they'd emerge alive.


    Everybody's hurting. Some had cash in the bank, some don't. Sucks to be GM/Chrysler.




    Actually I'd love all three to go down just to extinct the North American UAW Worker species. Morbid curiousity. Then I'd love to see them try to establish that union bullshit in some other industry. Any other industry. I'd really love to watch that trainwreck. Laughing and pointing would be involved.

  7. You guys do know "closest ever" means like less than one tenth of one percent closer?


    WAY less.


    But hey take some pics of that shit, just dont scratch the moon with your lens....

  8. We had a midair at Pennescola occur when I was down there for primary. One of the planes had to be ditched in the water, and the pilot and trainer punched out, but it was a close thing to some beach property. Speaking as an ex-pilot I can imagine what the pilot in this situation is feeling, these apre people who are driven to protect the people in this country, so this would be hitting him hard (I am speculating). But I do know he doesnt have the luxury of coming out with a statement all on his own.


    I cant even imagine what its like for the man who lost his family. I'd have a pistol in my mouth by now. He is a rolemodel to us all.

  9. Oil prices are primarily speculative driven.

    Gas prices are a leading indicator (as opposed to a lagging indicator) of the economy.


    The prices will start to rise before we come out of the recession. That'll be your first sign the economy is starting to turn around for the better.


    Last year's oil price spike was about 1/2 speculation and 1/2 supply vs demand problem. And it had little to do with the gas prices; the lag to the pump is about this many months - so oddly enough today we are buying that very same overpriced oil with our $1.80/gallon gasoline. That tell you anything? It tells me the price is purely fictional.

  10. I have no sympathy for people who build cars or sell cars.


    Let em all burn. The economy won't go into depression. We'll survive. Ford will be fine regardless. Car mechanics will be fine. And all those UAW workers can find other jobs they're qualified for. Ditch digger comes to mind...



    For the record I was also against the Financial Industry bailout.

  11. nurk - so glad everything worked out. big congrats on the second bundle of joy.


    I would have gone down too had that happened. I can't even imagine what those minutes were like. Just before Quinn was born he started having periodic slowing of heartbeat (the staff was waiting on the doctor to arrive to deliver). Went on for a few cycles and then they started prepping the operating room. Then the doc rushes in, and out he comes in like two pushes. Looking back on it I had no idea all that was happening at the time aside from the rhythmia, was concentrating on the wife, but looking back on it if he'd had a problem after he was out I woulda dropped.


    Again - Big Congrats and VERY happy all worked out! We're looking forward to number two too.

  12. I played CoD4 - I can handle a hijacked tanker - SEND ME IN.


    All I need is transport on a Blackhawk, an M4 with 20mags, 2 flashbangs and 3 frag grenades, some night vision, a couple limey sidekicks, and a good radio.

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