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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. We have alt energy options already - we *don't* have the maturity of them or the infrastructure to make any a mass consumption commodity yet. I've posted in great length about this before.
  2. Its cake on a PC. And I'm an old man. Mouse/Keyboard = King Gamepad = wood chucking peon
  3. Everywhere - but off the top of my head: dentistry, optometry, lawfirms, insurance firms.
  4. Take a wild guess what would happen to OUR price of oil, not to mention its availability to us at all, if we *weren't* there. FYI - the price of oil is as much americans/europeans fault as it is the middle-easterners. Moreso. someone shoot Cheney. (Oh god the FBI are probably going to raid my house now....) The alternatives are no better. We need to *invent* our way out of this catch-22, infinite loop. Alternate energy source first. Nasty icky world-places withdrawal second. Do it in the opposite order and its akin to shooting ourselves in the dick.
  5. Besides, bottom line, we need the oil to run our cars, our factories, our lights, our hospitals, our malls, our ... make our plastics, our rubber, our lubricants, our pvcs, our paint, our magic polymers... So we need to be there protecting the supply. You want out of the gulf? Tell our fukking government to do REAL energy research for fukks' sake. Its not a military question. Its not a diplomacy question. You take away abundant oil and america ceases to run. We cannot leave the gulf/middle-east, cannot stop dealing with fuktards like Chavez, etc etc etc until we have an alternate energy source. Period. End of sentence. End of paragraph.
  6. Supporting other countries is an investment, not aid. It should be looked at as such - there are real dividends to the overseas monies we spend. With that said I'm still for cutting off money to Israel - they don't need it. Its like giving your rich cousin Vinnie a loan. Why? We could spend that money so much better elsewhere. I'm looking at you, South America.... The only reason we have "so many financial problems" here is because of idiots buying homes that couldn't afford them and the greasebag real estate industry that loaned them the money to do so. I don't really see how the Democrats, Republicans, or the administration's jews factor into any of that. Let both groups (idiot homebuyers and greedy lenders) go down in flames. We'll be fine. *I think back with humor on the homebuying arguements I had with some of the **** in here a year or two ago* ...ah the joy.
  7. Iran isn't arab. They're Persian, and you better believe there's a difference. And they aren't backwards. Check out photos of Tehran sometime and tell me you're not looking at L.A. http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=226146 And lastly what they're not, is idiots. This was no mistake. Anyway, some reading: http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC05.php?CID=2548 and http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/03/20/MN265390.DTL Cliff Notes: Practice run. And we showed em how ala the brits/japs in Pearl. Being ex-Navy the last thing I'd want is to get stuck in littoral waters in a blue-water ship. Thank goodness the first LCS ships are rolling out of the dockyards. Anyway - Iran is a serious potential oppponent, that although would undoubtedly get its clock cleaned in a full on confrontation with the US Navy, yes, but you had better have no illusions that they could/can send several of our vessels currently in the gulf, especially the carriers, to the seabed bottom in the opening stages of any engagement. The Navy is rightfully taking this very seriously.
  8. Ruined. Knight Rider, like the f-bod the show's namesake was built on, is only for inbred gap-toothed redneck hicks. Now hollywood has gone and confused their core demographic by putting a non-pointy-nosed auto in the albatross seat. "Hey Clem, wuht kinda car is that?" "Doughno, Cletus, but I don't see no mullet on here, we got the right show?" *Clem flips channels* "Oh look, NASCAR" ...
  9. Actually you're right. Nobody could have foreseen in January the massive drops on mem pricing. Too bad Sony taking lead on the bluray/hd-dvd battle. These guys are the ROOT KIT and music industry greed-asshats, remember. BTW- bluray output and hddvd output is exactly the same. Exactly.
  10. The Palestinians were nomadic just like the jews, but (somewhat) unlike the jews they were nomadic by choice, from the start. Alot of rewriting of ancient history going on on the internet apparently. BTW - I'm all for chucking our support of Israel. Aside from the totally hot women they have over there, I don't really care to be supporting that country. Lets just finish setting up our mini-USA in Iraq, suck out the last of the oil while we finish inventing our next power source, and then say fuck-em. If they're ordained by god to hold their land let em do it by their big-nosed beady-eyed greedy fucking military genius selves. They don't need our help. They proved they can take care of themselves and still post a bitchin hot barscene. The Palestinians? You only get to dance in front of me while thousands of americans are getting slaughtered once. Fuck em. BTW - fuck Mogadishu while we're at it.
  11. Then you definitely don't want to visit the pictures section at Arnies Airsoft.
  12. Unlike the Palestinians.....
  13. There are multiple games per month. A little slow in winter of course but as spring rolls around it picks up and spring thru fall the big national events happen. Hit up AirsoftOhio and check the upcoming event section to keep up to date on whats ahead. A word: the games run the gamut from a college kid getting a gang of folks together on some private land for some shoot-em-up to full scale 500 player all-weekend events run on Army or Marine bases. Something for every taste and wallet. How much it hurts depends on how hot the guns are at a particular event, which is up to the host but the national unofficial norm is 400fps for automatics and 0 engagement distance, and then going up from there for SAWs and semi-only with bolt action snipers having the highest allowed fps but also the longest Minimum Engagement Distance (or MED). If you get hit up close and by a hot gun it can be a "bleeder", but by the same token if you're at range you hear it more than feel it, and in any event if it hits gear like your mags you won't feel a thing. ANSI rated full seal goggles are a mandatory at every event and some folks recommend mouth guards, although I just keep my lips shut... As for noise - they make varying amounts of noise depending on the power source, electric or gas, the flashider, barrel length, and other factors. Some players go to great lengths to quiet their guns, I myself go the opposite, since I like to suppress opponents, so for example this one is about the same decibels as a small plinker 22: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/9148/m4sprzg1.th.jpg And there are the SAWs (top two on right): http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/4262/bestshotuw4.th.jpg You *know* when those are cutting loose. For sound here is some helmet cam footage we shot at the Irene4 event in Ft Knox in 06, mic on the camera so its real near the gun motor but still you get the idea: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8086248180136599522 And some *unreleased footage* from last years Irene5: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5557756654771072907 (forgive the out-of-sync audio, thats raw footage. BTW the guy running in front of me early on has almost no cartilege left in his knees. He was soaring on Vicadin all weekend.... btw I catch a "bleeder" at the end of that clip) As for the kick - the gas guns have more kick than the AEGs, but again that varies: some are made to kick, others not. Its your preference. Your general run of the mill airsoft electric gun (AEG) has little to no kick. ----------------------- ICEMAN - sure you don't already play? There's an Iceman on team 6mm out of Chicago area. Nice gun. What receiver is that? About the only thing I'd ditch is the battery bag, seeing as you have the PEQ box anyway. anyhoo nice armalite, how's this: http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/4219/vltorm203pv6.th.jpg Again, me trying to photoshop. ----------------------- As for cost - generally less expensive than paintball, but unlike paintball guns which look like they fell off the retard wagon, AEGs are more fun to collect, at least IMO (old pic of 1/2 the gun closet, couple real steel sprinkled in there), so if you're not careful your sunk cost will soar if you get addicted. But overall its much better now than it was just a couple years ago cost wise. Why? The Chinese. They have hit the market with bolt for bolt, nut for nut clones of the higher end guns (apparently trademarks and patents mean dick in the pacific rim, big surprise) - and you can now get into it with a decent shooting gun for under $150 what used to cost you $500. Do some careful shopping. Hit these sites for info: Arnies Airsoft - THE best airsoft site in the world, pound for pound (its british). http://www.airsoftohio.com - of course http://www.airsoftcanada.com - good no nonsense site http://www.airsoftretreat.com - alot of kids but some good info And for shopping: http://www.redwolfairsoft.com http://www.uncompany.com http://www.wgcshop.com http://www.evike.com http://www.airsoftextreme.com http://www.airsplat.com Beyond that your running costs are event fees and thats about it. The guns run on rechargable batteries and for a bag of 10000 rounds you'd pay $10-$20, about a years supply for a rifleman with a disciplined triggerfinger. Compare that to painball gas and ammo cost and you can do the math. That is, until you get to collecting guns and gear... then lord help you. I spend zero on the car anymore and my total airsoft outlay has surpassed what I've spent on the V and Cobra mods combined. But I'm sick. Hope this helps.
  14. Guess I got here late - but if you're looking for more Airsoft gear thats not asstastic go to: http://www.Airsoftsmith.com Tell them Hillslam sent you. Their store is on kenny near old henderson. AirsoftArms by Iron Pony is on the way out. *rumor* DO NOT BUY FROM WALMART, MEIJER, DICKS, THE SURPLUS STORES, ETC. THEY ONLY SELL COMPLETE CRAP, OFTEN COSTING AS MUCH AS THE GOOD STUFF. Complete wastes of money - if you're saddled with one sell it immediately and go hit up AirsoftSmith on Kenny for the full metal goodness. Nice Sig Saur Orion. My father in law is on the Sacramento PD and they use KWC Sigs to train on their realsteel 226s, but I hear the TMs are nicer. BTW - Orion, come out some time and play with us. WARNING: You *will* be hooked. Great fun, great sportsmanship, and great people. For example on our team, besides me, there's: an active Marine, 2 Ex Army, 2 CIOs, 2 EMTs, 1 Net Jets pilot, 1 Doctor, 1 ER Nurse, 3 College students, 1 Aero Engineer (not me), 1 teacher, 1 Concrete contractor, etc etc and so forth. The player mix is alot like that across the board. Ex-military, pre-military, no-military at all. Police, firefighters, kids. Young, old. Way lower asshat ratio than paintball, just by the nature of the game (honor system and non-dayglow ghey spandex outfits makes for more enjoyable sportsmanship, less videogame hijinks). You get outside, you get dirty/sore/banged up, get a workout (like you wouldn't beleive), you have a blast, and a week later end up wanting to do more. There's something about using your gunskills that no amount of plinking, drills, or competition shooting will ever get you. Period. Think you draw a fast bead? Think you're a fast reloader? Try it when they're shooting back and you're pinned. Its a rush. PM me this spring if you're interested. And meanwhile hit up http://www.AirsoftOhio.com and just go right ahead and ignore 90% of the posts: Airsoft has its fill of winter bullshit downtime same as CR does. Then spring rolls around and the events ramp up... Ok I'll quit recruiting. Merry Christmas to myself: http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/195/dsc0007pw91fw6.th.jpg ------------------- EDIT: That goes for the rest of you too, dragknee, mitch and the rest - come out and play with us some time. Nothing like a good big well organized airsoft event for fun.
  15. I think that describes all Honda "racecars" in RL too...
  16. BEST. POST. EVAR. Fond memories. Heh, I'm gonna show that to the Army guys at Ft Knox this weekend. Go Navy!
  17. Very nice. I really like the match. And the scout. I put a Sage stock on mine. See below. The top gun is a semi-frankenstein. Olympic Arms receiver, Noveske rifleworks RIS and flashider, Crane stock, some other goodies. http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/3716/M4andLeonidas.th.jpg Here is a link to the rifle that inspired that project. I have a set of flip sights on it now since I took that pic, but they don't hold for shit. I just use the ACOG. The M14 in the Sage EBR stock with the original long barrel http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/2908/M14L.th.jpg Later swapped to a short barrel http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/904/M14s.th.jpg Size comparison to the AR - the EBR is very front heavy. http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/4656/M14-M41.th.jpg
  18. Not true, but the F22 is still an impressive plane. Thanks for posting that. I have about 4Gig's of footage from the airshow but I'm too lazy to take it off the SDs. Cleveland the best airshow in the area? Maybe for amateurs... Quality over quantity - this airshow beat Cleveland's hands down, and since you probably don't know why, 3 words: shitload of P51s That's like choosing wether to go see a dozen Lamborghini's or a sea of Chevy Luminas. And this is coming from a NAVY pilot (jk, I endured the Air Farce stuff there, even enjoyed abit of it).
  19. Bring on the weak dollar. Not too weak, but abit weak is fine by me for oh, say, the next 5 years. Suck it, India. Thanks.
  20. And the lesson is: never get in a catfight in a halter top.
  21. It's not the frame rate or the unextravagant explosion - just thats how hondas run: slow and weak.
  22. Let down. I was hoping for 600hp. Will be keeping mine for abit more. Still... as the 03 cobra taught us: F.I. > Naturally Aspirated any day of the week. I'm sure that 525 is just the starting block. And the first 100hp more has gotta be a helluva lot cheaper to add than on my LS6. Hell I got an extra 100hp on the Cobra for less than $500 without really even trying (and I'm not one of those retards that cracks open the block and heads and calls it "bolt ons"). Cons: paddle shift and automatic an option? boo Pros: reworked rearend said to eliminate wheelhop. Hurray. My V hops so bad it makes my old Terminator's hop look like a minor vibration.
  23. Nice front end on that Mazda 6.
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