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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. My wif'e dutch, born in Breda, we go every year. If you're in Amsterdam just buy a ticket to Utrecht - more fun than Amsertdam and only an hour away.
  2. Actually the earth was made yesterday. All the rest is backstory filled in by the big guy to confuse you. No wait, actually the earth was built tomorrow, because time doesnt mean jack to Him, even though you twits are all embedded in it. (This twit too) PS - too much confecture in that news piece. Temple bah. It was clearly a prehistoric titty bar.
  3. Cops wear helmets? N E WAY - nice shot if it popped his lid.
  4. Both of you hush. Music's sucked since 1994
  5. You can't have a Ninja-cycle thats not a Kawasaki. Samurai-cycle or hentai-bike maybe... Jackie Chan is coming for you.
  6. Damn I missed a gun show. Who put this on? Website? Since pro got bilked I quit following.
  7. No, that was Nate. Took a grenade to the jewels. Or maybe just some Purdue chick's knee...
  8. I know plenty of companies that are non-union shops that don't screw over their employees. Well, the ones where the employees aren't dumb as boxes of rocks doing jobs shit-chucking apes and robots can handle... But hey, if they dig ditches for a living and *aren't* self employed contractors, well thats they're own damn fault, and yeah I guess they better go get themselves in a union, cuz they already proved they sure ain't gonna *think* their way out of that low pay.
  9. Let me augment Dave: '64 1/2-'72 Mustang '73-'82 Camaro '82-'92 Mustang '92-'01 Camaro '02-now Mustang FYI: The "03" Cobras were on sale in April 2002 (but badged as an '03 to skip one round of annual safety certs testing) - the same time that there were still f-bods rolling off the lines and certainly in dealerships branded as '02s. I know, I bought one in May 02. Hence they were produced side by side for a couple months, and sold side by side for a few months - until the fbod tottered off to the nobodies-buying-em dustbin. But the SVT team made sure the Terminator sent the fbods to the grave with a loss. Now... if GM can stay alive long enough to re-introduce the Camaro again, we can have some last gasoline powered fun before we all switch to electric motors as start enjoying real disgusting gobs of torque... (oh and all the v6s suck)
  10. Congrats. Now the bad news: 21 ain't the finish line. Its the starting line.
  11. I get paid what I'm worth because of the education, skills, and experience I apply to the job I'm doing for the company/individual thats paying me. When I am not providing value I don't get paid. When I can or feel I should or just plain want to earn more money for my assets I leave and get a better job. And I've been doing that for 25+ years. I don't need a union. And neither does anyone else with a conscious. EDIT ....oh and yeah... if I ever get to be CEO of a big corp I'm gonna rape the unions like a tentacled anime demon on a japanese schoolgirl...
  12. Eh, they all like it: HOW CAN SHE SLAP?
  13. Children. The ORIGINAL Knight Rider sucked. Truth. I know. I was there while not 5 yrs old. Remake of suck = suck+swallow. (btw - ditto Transformers.)
  14. Thats right bitches Moses had a shotgun and a 9 story building, so BACK OFF!
  15. First there was Moses. Then there was Jesus. Then this. Then thousands of year later: you finding it.
  16. The funniest part is that it was seen on a BMW. Pot. Kettle.
  17. Got my double barrelled shotty and the chainsaw ready. Working on procurring chaingun....
  18. <--- Logs on to CR for first time in weeks, from work, for shits and giggles Sees thread title Reads most of first page's posts Sees the twentysomethings havent gotten any smarter Realizes all is as normal in the world Logs off *tards*
  19. pffft, I win. Me \/ http://www.airtoaircombat.com/images/prowler_lg.jpg Ok that pics not specifically me, but I flew Prowlers when I was in. Ben - congrats on not yacking on hte T38 flight. I know how the instructors like to make their passengers lose it. FWIW I didn't yak either, although 2/3 of my class did on their first go ups. I never lost it once, and by the end of primary I had the Marine instructors taking bets on who could get me to puke without pulling a "63 Acorn". As for the cost of general aviation, guys, dont think the big money sink comes from fuel. It comes from hanger fees and airframe and propulsion checkups, read "bend-over-and-take-its". FAA mechanic hourly rates ftl. I suggest you look into the total cost of ownership before taking the plunge. It will bleed you dry if you're not on top of it.
  20. not sure how I feel about the service vs manufacturing aspect, but I'm welcoming the weak dollar right now. I don't buy imports really and I like that the weak dollar means we're going to shake some of these leeches off, like India. As for oil prices - it'll correct itself. The energy speculators were just testing the public's breaking point. They found it. It'll now hover at just below our pain threshold for here on out. until we forget and they test it again. The producers (OPEC, etc) - dont have shit to do with the current price situation.
  21. The hot cup will reach room temperature first. and EVERYONE in the thread has gotten the explaination of the answer why wrong. <--- engineer with 2 actual real f**-ing degrees BS Astronautical Engineering BS Aeronautical Engineering
  22. Hi all. Wondering if there's anyone on CR that has experience editting videos and/or editting website art? Or if anyone knows someone ala the above. Looking for an intro/logo that can be reused for various videos, and also someone who can help punch up a news front page to a website. This isn't car oriented but is for a sponsored airsoft team that's moving into govt training contracts. We could compensate traditionally ($) but would be more interested in other creative compensation ala free field fees for a year, gear rental, etc. If you're interested in airsoft this could be a great opportunity to come get some $-free playtime with a national team. Anyone interested please PM me.
  23. Indeed. GM's still got to add a whole bunch of squeaks, implement the interior design by Fisher Price, queu up a black model with a red pin stripe, add a couple feet of overhang, and be sure to get the engine up over the front axle, install one acre of unused dashboard plain, spray paint the plastic bits chrome, and route the dual exhaust into a single pipe then back out to dual. Give em time, it takes them a long time to prepare one of their concept cars for GM production.
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