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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. I have a lever arm that needs to take a pound or two of force that's snapped off its base. I was wondering if there are various forms of JBWeld for different metals? I'm not sure this is pot metal but I'm pretty sure its not pure or good steel either. The break is a clean break more like a broken epoxy joint than a weld as the lever arm and base are clearly two separate pieces and from the look of it they weren't welded together to start with. I'm hesitant to fall back to welding it because I don't know what metal it is and I can't replace the part if I mung it up with too hot a flame. Maybe braze it? A cold Welco 52? Anyway, I'd like to try epoxies first, safer I think - JBWeld, Gorilla Glue, some other epoxy - any recommendations on what might be best? thx in advance.
  2. Plus you make more money than anyone else and can buy their wives as you run the world.
  3. I clicked NOW, and then was rooting for diarrhoel diseases to overtake STDs but it never happened. I was sad.
  4. Hal - can't speak for Army but getting an OCS ticket in the Navy once you're in as enlisted is alot harder than getting an OCS slot coming in in the first place. At least it was when I was in back in the stone age. Also, I'm not sure where you heard as officers you get one shot at specwar, but I'd seriously double check that info. Seriously, if you have a chance to go officer, do not pass it up for enlisted *anything* - even Women's Shower Towel Passer.
  5. how is browsing on either of them? Do they do a good job of rendering pages? Do they accept Opera Mini?
  6. Remember also life in the military is COMEPLETELY different for officers and for enlisted. The pay is better, housing, career choices, retirement, benefits, etc etc etc it goes on and on and on. So... If you're graduating college, go OCS (or whatever the Army equivalent is - I was Navy) and go in as an officer. Or, in the Army, Warrant Officer at the least. That's my biggest input. We've got several generations now of military in my family, both enlisted and officer, and what EVERY ONE of them told me was "if you can, get your commission", which I did. Best advice ever. So I say do it. For me, I found it was both fun and sucktastic while I was in. At times being great and at times I wanted nothing more than to get out. Looking back later in life - and I think you'll find this of damn near every person who served - they miss it. That alone says something. ----------- The comments about being around people with no other options is true if you're a bog standard enlisted E(x), but on the officer front at worse you may need to lead those people. Which isn't always fun either. Good non-coms make the world go round! BUT - Its better to lead a moron than to be in the trench next to one. And, if you're a good leader, even idiots can excel. There's pride in that. Also, whereas in the enlisted ranks, as previously mentioned, you'd run into the retards, in the officer ranks you're running into the egotists. Its a different negative, but it is a negative being around those types. But at least the conversation is better.... Having said all that (highlighting the negative) you'll meet some of the most intelligent, thoughtful, dedicated, witty, funny, genuine, and best friends of your life in the military.
  7. I was marginally interested, until he got to the folding-fin-stabilized-grenade, then... whoa. Very nice.
  8. Nice editting. Beleive me, in a plane... its better. The 'fuge is for pansies. Er, I mean Air Force. In the Navy they strap you in with an insane Marine Corp training pilot, give you a wave, and then start divvying up your bunk stuff.... 7.71 here.
  9. Weak. I coulda cleared a farther twenty yards easy.
  10. Look people, the three left running are alot more alike to each other than the ones who dropped off the tickets already (thank god). So I say, any of the three can win and I'll be happy. Its the first election where I sorta like all three. But thats never happened in my life where it's always seemed to be voting the lesser of the evils. Thats not to say that they all don't have downsides. But nobody is perfect. Just relax.
  11. From my european inlaws: http://www.dotsub.com/films/moredemands/index.php?autostart=true&language_setting=en_1618 enjoy gotta love the brits
  12. http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-2/944597/fangs2.JPG
  13. Thats a SCAR clone. http://world.guns.ru/assault/as70-e.htm "short G3".... good lord.
  14. While you're busy inventing things I didn't say, Jobs continues being a twat. I never said I didn't have salesmen and marketers. I said what they and Jobs do doesn't impress me. All kinds to jobs (no pun) are neither impressive or hard. Its not hard to dig a ditch either. ----- And with that I'm out. Continue drinking the Jobs PR cool aid, or defending used car salesmen, or whatever the heck else you're on about, in my absence.
  15. Nice - looks like the grip extension is spot on for your hold. Also looks like if you fired it alot in one go it could make your hand exhausted, because of the heel placement. That's not likely to happen so pretty much a perfect CQB piece, as you say.
  16. None of that is news to me and none of it refutes what I said. I've owned two tech companies and co-started three in my time, and sold my share of one of them for enough to semi-retire on. And I did it without shitting on others or taking credit for what was not mine. BTW everything you said applies to Harley Davidson. Sure, its a legitimate business turnaround model. And yet Harley needed no jackass frontman getting a woody off of buying celebrity to get it done. But they're every bit as sleazy. The only difference is at the head of this org is a man who sold his soul, at the front of Apple is a man who buys them. So while Willie G. secretly apologizes for the actions HD did to rise to $, Steve Jobs has you beleiving theirs were some sort of epiphany. I've known enough salesmen and marketers, been involved closely enough with them whilest they were doing their craft to say with zero doubt I'll not have to go to my grave ever gaining one ounce of respect for any of them. I know what that takes and I'm not impressed, and never will be. Anyway, how about reading a bio that wasn't sponsored by Jobs? Short version: - Hurray for Apple for clawing their way back from near bankruptcy to 8% market share and becoming the vehicle to a facilitator of big media distribution oligarchy plays, oh boy we'll all be the winners from THAT........ - Boo to Jobs for being a subhuman.
  17. Thank you for restating what I said.
  18. Read anything about the guy's background; overall bio, personal life, treatment of employees, treatment of women, opinion of himself, anything, then get back to me. He rides on the sweat and genius of others then takes credit. He's enscounced himself as the self appointed king of a circle of very creative people/community (spawned by Wozniak not him) and then distorts reality to make it seem as if he led them. He's not a leader, he's a taskmaster. And a thief. I see his type all the time, and I just don't like seeing the equivalent of a used car salesman make himself out to be Stephen Spielberg/Hawking. The only thing he brings to that position is the ability to talk to record and movie moguls, you know, the other greedy sleazebags. Because he's one of the crowd. I'm can imagine what one of these negotiating sessions is like: he walks in and then some greasy record exec walks in and its like Pokemon - whoever can spew the most bullshit and bury their opponent in it get their contract signed. The people of Apple deserve better. (well most of them anyway, not the ones drinking the cool aid, not the ones who are too stupid to realize they're sucking the dick of a used car salesman). And yes, used car salesmen, I just insulted you.
  19. News from outside the reality distortion field: http://apple20.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/01/15/jobs-wows-the-fraithful-wall-st-is-underwhelmed/?cnn=yes While the crowd of sycophants were busy oohing and aahing on queue in their competition to give Steve Jobs the best remote rim job, Apple stocks drop 10 points during the keynote. ROFL. This absolutely cracks me up. Jobs needs to do a Chevy Chase and just go away. I can't stand that idea stealing, grandstanding, megamaniacal attention whore.
  20. But remember kids: lets all buy homes - its a great investment! Every time!
  21. http://www.superhonda.com/photopost/data/519/GetToTheChoppa.jpg
  22. BTW - great article: http://www.wired.com/cars/energy/news/2008/01/oil
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