True. But this is a backlash for the indulgences of the dotcom bubble when way too many and too many wholly unqualified people were in the industry and making way too much money for the value they were providing. Today - you gotta pay your dues. And its a good way to weed out the wannabes from the real thing. If you're good - its not hard to "climb out" of tech support. We do it - its easy to see who can move into development and who can move into professional services and who'll be staying tech support and will be gone in 4 years. You can see that in a few months.
Not true. That trend has turned around as well. There was a trend about 5 years ago to send everything to India. Pay a developer in Puni 10 bucks to code for you. And while some of the slower more monolithic orgs like state agencies still are sending more jobs there, the thought leaders and the industry leaders have realized that far from saving money sending development overseas, it costs them MORE in terms of rework later. Alot more.
Little tidbit - in the development industry there is a worldwide competition among developers annually. The US has won it the most. Russians win it fairly frequently. China. Britain. ...India has never won it. Not once. Ever. The stereotype of the Indian developer as a better programmer is marketing hype and a load of bullshit.
The real IT jobs are coming back to America while the "shit" jobs (callcenters) are settling and can stay in India.
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