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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. Don't tell me you broke the T56 in your 03?!? If so: How did you manage to do that before busting the pumpkin and truckload of halfshafts?
  2. I guess no matter how bad it gets it can always get worse. Best part of getting your Saab worked on at Mag, aside from the complimentary Cappucino Lounge, is you get to meander around all the Maseratis and Ferraris. I'm sorry - the new Lotus' look like cheap crap.
  3. Yes Eric, MAG will honor all GM programs on their Saabs. We bought the wife's 9-3 Sport Sedan there in 2003 and got the 0-0-0 deal from GM at the time (zero down, zero interest, zero payments for 3 months). Buy from MAG - the perks are worth it at warranty visit time. True, but it still has that butt-ugly hood scoop. Could they pick any uglier of a hood scoop?
  4. Atually - upon further thought, Neil Armstrong should be called the greatest american. But if not - its no big deal. He'll end up being the one remembered the longest. You know, in ten thousand years people will not remember Bill Gates, or George Bush, or Madonna. Or John Wayne. Or Queen Elizabeth. Or any sports star you ever heard of. Or entertainer. Or General. Or Hitler. Or Ghandi. Or Martin Luther King. Or George Washington. They will have forgotten WWII. WWI. The Cold War. All the wars of the second millenium. Mohamed. They very likely will have forgotten what a United States of America was. But they will look back from wherever it is they're sitting on in whatever parts of the universe they're calling home at that time, and they'll remember the name of the first of humanity's children to step foot on some body other than their birth planet. Neil Armstrong.
  5. Gates as the greatest american is a stretch. But he is a great american. Maybe doesn't deserve to be on that list. But I'll tell you why he's better than the Rockefellers and the Venderbilts and the Carnegies and so on and so on: His product is cheap and benefits more people across demographics than any other. He is also the biggest philanthropist in history. He also is selling one of the last Made-in-the-USA things that the world still buys. Windows. Cus it sure as hell ain't cars or clothes or linux. Or even our culture, for much longer. Windows and wheat. About the only two things getting more money to come into our country than go out. So why's that make him a great american vs just a great capitalist? Because if you didn't have the barrier to entry that Microsoft's size and very existence creates in the tech space they're in, then our America would find themselves in the software and computing sector in the exact same situation Britain found themselves in at the turn of the century when they manufactured the first all-big-gun battleship: they just unwittingly leveled the playing field. Neil Armstrong should be on that list. Near the top.
  6. Law of averages rocks - they got their crash done for the year. And 'sides, movie stars don't rent cheap ass Russian leftover helos. You get what you pay for. We'll rent a big good ol Sikorsky with leather seats and a titty bar built in and bring John Travolta along as a spare pilot. And grey poupon for the wheat toast. BTW - someone tried to tell me that helos can't even fly to the top of Everest, which is complete horseshit. 29,000ft is nothing for modern helos. Well, US and Euro helos... Who'm I kiddin- I won't be joining the Cruiser on the ride to the top. I'll be too busy nailing Nicole Kidman.
  7. http://www.billybobthornton.net/film_monstersball.jpg
  8. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/george128/juan-valdez_051503.jpg Might be pulling the wrong ass
  9. #1 Single Greatest Achievement: That massive dump I took this morning. Epic. #2 Lasting Legacy: See #1
  10. Been hearing good things about it. Zaino level good things.
  11. Thinking about Rejexing the whole car this weekend.
  12. Nice car. Clean. Black is the fastest color. Couple questions: Are those (American) Weld Racing wheels? Are the center caps different front to back, it looks like the rear caps are red, fronts silver, or is that just the angle? Looks good.
  13. I'd want him on my summit team. He could afford the helocopter to fly in and fly me down for eggs and toast at the base camp every morn. With jelly.
  14. +1 My 13 yr old nephew has bigger boobs. -1 for the girls what look like boyzes.
  15. 10% fatality rate on Mount Everest climbers - that still true? Odds are with him.
  16. hmmm.... "New strategy"? Or "spin" to bounce out of junkbond status?
  17. I'm not a fan of Wagoner, but to be honest $4.6M annual for a CEO with the revenue the size of GM is low. There are CEOs of MUCH smaller companies pulling in more than that. Good CEOs aren't cheap. That being said, I think Wagoner should get the boot. But I beleive whoever runs GM deserves more than $4.6M actually. I'd say give it to Lutz, but then we'd lose him as the top product guy, but he's just getting started, and he's the first "car guy" GM's had in his post for a LONG time. Maybe bring in Richard Branson as a new CEO. Now THAT'D rock! Can you imagine what he'd do with GM and a mandate to change it? *drool*
  18. Well this thread careened off course and wrecked in record time. Every single post was a reply to post 1. Man you guys suck at this. Do over.
  19. Most asian and european companies benefit from the fact that their governments pay for the health benefits. Even so - I don't want a socialized medical system in the USA. I just want tort reform. Kill the lawyers. It'll solve so much. Lower medical bills, lower insurance costs, lower costs for cars, homes, booze.......
  20. I've been told a hairdryer and fishing line or dental floss to get it off. WD40 to clean the tape residue. And then 3M double sided foam tape to reapply. Do you remember what epoxy you got at Autozone? But I like the Goo Gone idea, I think that may be nice to my paint. Masking tape or wax pen to mark the location, what do you think?
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