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Everything posted by Mowgli1647545497

  1. By the way - regards the unions, here's a quote from another forum's thread on the GM topic: I'm sure Jimmy Hoffa would agree.
  2. Nobody wanted the camaro/firebird, its why they killed it in the first place. Nobody still wants them - look at GTO sales. Now having said that... if GM does go the way of what I heard at the Kentucky conference couple months back with regards to manufacturing strategies, that is, if production run targets are tens of thousands of cars and not aimed at hundreds of thousands of cars per model, then the definition of a successful car becomes not one that sells 216,000 units, but 20,000 units. The GTO and cam/birds definitely will survive at those sales levels. I do hope GM goes this way. Agreed completely with the rest of Akula's post.
  3. During a recent waxing I accidentally got the polishing cloth under one of the side V badges and bent it slightly away from the body. Nobody else seems to see it, even when I point it out, but its driving me nuts. I want to detach the badge, straighten it, then reapply. I am wondering what to use to remove it and then what adhesive to use to reattach it. Anyone know the solvent and adhesive I should use?
  4. Anyone heard this? If true - good for GM. Make the hard choices, and play ball. They have WAY too much supply for their demand. Close all the SUV plants I say.
  5. I think you can rent the DVD at blockbuster. I also saw it for sale at the Discovery Channel store, and I think I saw it at Media Play. I don't think anyone has made the entire show into a vid for download though.
  6. Yup - for FPS and rpgs and such. I don't do driving games on the PC (bought the XBox and PS2 for those) so I can't recommend a wheel... If you're going to do any flight sims get a decent stick. Really ups the enjoyment of them. Heck even hybrid games like Joint Ops are more fun with a stick than the keyboard/mouse if you're doing pilot duty. If you want and have the desk space for a stick/throttle combo go with anything from Saitek in the "xNN" line. Since the x36 they've had the best controllers/ dollar out there. I have the x45 USB. There's the x52 out now I think. If you want just a single joystick go for the Cyborg 3D Gold USB, also from Saitek. I forgot - if you're into flying: Comanche vs Havoc X-Wing Alliance OFP Pacific Fighters European Air War Wings Over Vietnam
  7. If you build a top line system and then even so much as hook up a gamepad to it, I will drive over there and take it away and drive over it. Repeatedly. Warhammer: Dawn of War Battlefield Call of duty Halflife2, Counterstrike Source OFP
  8. Assholes in BMWs... some stereotypes are earned.
  9. When will they nuke those clown hood scoops? Subaru has just seemed absolutely in love with those homely hood warts for the past 5 years for god knows why. I know they're functional, but I also *know* they don't have to be shaped in that ugly ass geometry. Change the hood scope Suuub!
  10. Thanks for the offers guys, but I'm mainly venting. I don't even have time to bring experts up on the infrastructure in time for them to be useful, and there's really no tertiary work, its all going to bottleneck on some specific development. Venting because I got myself into the situation. I'll never learn.
  11. Flight just sent the hijack alert code If true lets hope its a hostage scenario.
  12. <--- *avoids easy joke using word palm*
  13. I have 1 month to do 235 man/days of work with 3 guys. Sucks to be me. Cya, month of June, it was nice meeting you....
  14. I don't think you can drive a late 80s, early 90s domestic and from that draw a conclusion on the state of current product quality or engineering.
  15. I think the engineering and the quality is there. Quality gaps are more PR, urban legend, owner loyalty, and lingering memory than reality of today. What is KILLING GM and Ford is the designs and the legacy costs. The interiors suck and the exteriors blow. And, wtf, $1,500 of every new GM is paying for union health care benefits?!? Fucking hell, how in the WORLD can they be expected to swallow that and still compete? It all goes back to tort reform. Lawyers doing shotgun litigation to line their pockets drive up malpractice insurance costs for medical providers (doctors and hospitals) which in turn drives up employee insurance costs... Shakespeare: First you kill all the lawyers.
  16. I've seen that Lions vs Hyenas video on a nature show before. Even without being set to music thats pretty much how it went down: The lionesses make a kill, the hyenas come in as a group and drive the pride off the kill, the lion comes back from elsewhere in the territory and fucks the hyenas' junk up royal. That vid missed one of the best shots of that show: at one point the lion leaps out of a bush at the group of eating hyenas and drops a male hyena corpse on their heads. They scatter. Awesome stuff. Group of Female lions @ 280lbs per = Hyenas attack One Male lion @ 550 lbs = Hyenas get their shit torn up Like bringing a tank to an infantry battle....
  17. My dream woman http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7f/Maudegreeting.jpg you can keep your... http://www.supermodelheaven.com/splash_aj.gif
  18. /\ Agreed. Most dogs would rip a domestic feline up if it was serious about it. But only because of the huge weight advantage. 50-100 lbs vs 10-20lbs. Pound for pound though cats are stronger, faster, and more lethal than canines. Across the board. Put a 10lb domestica cat in with some 10lb dog, or put a 100lb cougar up against a 100lb wolf or rottweiler or anything and its not even a contest. Dog doesn't stand a chance. The old dog pit fighters would never put their prize dogs in with a cat of equal size, it'd get shredded and they'd lose their animal for nothing.
  19. The EVO thread requires registering to read it - can someone provide cliff's notes? EDIT: nevermind, the 2nd page of the LS1tech thread has cached versions [ 27. May 2005, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: Mowgli ]
  20. Mowgli1647545497


    LOL Reneg is short slang for renegotiated. "He renegged on the deal."
  21. I don't want to mention names, as I'm still going to go there for warranty work. I'll just say they are close to me. And maybe they have a good shop, but so far they are 0-2 on getting minor stuff done on my car without some issue.
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