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Alfa Turbo

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Everything posted by Alfa Turbo

  1. I am smelling photochop... the resue workers are standing there without ANY tether or support? C'mon...
  2. I have been a member to Lifestyle (ex-calfit) for years and like what they have to offer. I use mostly the free weights, some machines and cardio. they have many locations in Columbus so I can get in a work out whether I am near home or work. The rates ARE negotiable as is the upfront fee. Don't fall for the pressure. I ended up joining for what I consider a good monthly rate and NO enrollment fee. If they push it... stand up and begin to walk... they will change their tune. The sales reps get a small piece of the monthly and a large piece of the enrollment. Good luck.
  3. It's been that way for years... They will sit just under the Bethel bridge trapping NB and SB traffic. They will put a bike on the Bethel bridge with a cruiser or two or three on the NB on ramp to 315. Up by 161 they will sit on the inside and outside of the NB lane as well as a 1/2 mile up 315 north of 161. SB they will sit in cruiser near the inside wall after a short bend where you cannot see them until it is... too late. FWIW, I set the cruise on 65 and relax to and from work.
  4. Or this... http://www.heartland.org/Article.cfm?artId=17977
  5. If you are going to read that and draw conclusions... read this and see what conclusions you draw... http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/mars_ice-age_031208.html
  6. I wonder if kids did something like this in the 1800's with their horse or mule... and if they did what did thier parents do to them if they got caught?
  7. D'oh! (smacks self in head) I was looking for something in the user CP and forgot to think of the obvious. Thanks.
  8. Other than not signing in any longer... is there a way to remove yourself from a BB? (Of course I am NOT talking about this one!)
  9. Where is it?... how many miles?... what color?... etc.
  10. Then put the fridge in my car? Doesn't seem to make much sense. Maybe if you had a pickup I could understand... but even then the food inside would go bad in this heat no?
  11. They are loud but so is a wankel. (I know what you mean but a rotary is a different configuration all together.) When they (Mazda) ran IMSA they were the only GTP cars that had to run a muffler to meet sound level requirements. I cannot make it without ear protection where we sit. The hairs in my ears start to tickle and then begin to hurt so I have full ear headphones that also pick up FM so I can listen to the announcers. On Thursday's you are allowed to walk the pit, check out the cars, speak with the crews and yes, even Michael has been known to show up and interact a bit.
  12. I am not allowed to post pictures yet. This link is in my profile... http://home.columbus.rr.com/sprintturbo
  13. IMO there are two (automotive) things to witness at least once... a Top Fuel car leave the tree and an F1 start. We sit right at start finish and while this years race may not have been one of the better ones... it is still a great way to spend a day or two. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5624643353426036375 The video does NOT capture just how LOUD these things are!
  14. Enzo cut his teeth working for Alfa Romeo (Fiat would not hire him) and was quickly promoted to head their race team, hence the Scuderia Ferrari or Team Ferrari on the side of this particular Alfa BiMotore. The car ate tires like a mofo and was short lived. I have heard he left Alfa in the 50's to start up his own car company but I am not sure how it worked out.
  15. The tracks are too big leading away from where he touched down, unless the bird had boots on, which would make sense since it is cold but and may explain why he missed the mouse...
  16. Your observation and description of how a hawk takes it prey is very detailed and accurate. There is a mating pair of Redtails living near our home and daily I see the squirrel population makes its collective contribution to the food chain. What I don't get are the trackes leading to and/or from the impression in the snow left by the birds wings.
  17. First of all, it is clearly the fault of the Bush administration that this bird is FORCED to hunt for food in the first place! If so much money wasn't being wasted in other parts of the world we could solve these important issues right here at home. There is a great website for image editing, http://www.worth1000.com. Not sure if the image in question is there or not, however, this is a good place to spend some time.
  18. Come on guys... what is wrong with your perspective? OBVIOUSLY it was a human in snow shoes that was attacked. You can clearly see bunny tracks off to the right. As far as Clay prefering to attack things from the rear... well... let's just let that one go...
  19. Certainly is a cool pic... I wonder if bunnies can utter the words... "WTF?" Regarding your g/f's snack on a string... the talons will penetrate the chest of the terrier killing it almost instantly then she would be left to contend with an upset raptor on a rope. May I suggest she either get the pup a kevlar walking vest or a break-away leash!
  20. It's a Cheby... and yes it was at GoodGuys. I tried talking to the guy who was with the car but he did not know much... must have been the owner! (grin) Here is the rest of the site on the car http://www.lateral-g.org/sandlin/ Check out the videos, the dyno is cool.
  21. If you like plumbing... here is somethng for you. http://www.lateral-g.org/sandlin/incin9.jpg (Not very effective though I must admit I admire the craftmanship)
  22. The Suburban kissed the rear bumper which in turn hit the edge of the rear quarter panel. Got an estimate from Tobin but I have never used them before for bodywork. It is covered by insurance... I just want to make sure it gets fixed correctly. Suggestions...? -Brian
  23. Alfa Turbo

    Time to try...

    I was a smoker for 15 years. A little more than a pack a day, Marlboro Lights and Reds. Anyway, I got the patch OTC and started with the highest dosage, 21mg and followed their instructions. I also spent a lot of time on www.quitnet.org. I found it very helpful to be in the company of others going through what I was going through and knowing that there were folks that made it. Quiting almost seemed an impossibility to me, I was quite the nicotine addict! The first week of each cycle was the worst and yes, at times I used more than one patch to get by. I figured it was better than lighting one up. After about 6 months I realized I was not even thinking about them anymore. It's been 6 years. If I can do it... so can you! Good luck!
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