Alfa Turbo
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Everything posted by Alfa Turbo
Is there a local company shaving tires? ET Paul is a no. Thanks.
The important part is to let the other person know how you feel. Just letting them know it is unacceptable is not setting boundaries, that's a controlling response. Example based on the OP's first post... and I am guessing here... you work with the details. When you... I feel... I want... "Dad, when you tell me how to raise my kids I feel like I'm not a good parent. I want to feel like a good parent." Then state the outcome(s). If you... I will... "If you continue to correct my parenting of my children, I will begin to limit the times we see each other. I would prefer to not but I will take those steps to protect myself." In this way the other person gets a real, clear sense of what you are feeling. They can relate to the feeling (who likes to feel like a bad parent?) and in doing so they can see how their behavior is affecting you and can make changes. They don't have to change, some people are jerks on purpose, but the vast majority do get the message. If they don't, you have already set a plan in place to deal with that and in doing so... feel better about yourself. It's a classic win-win. Remember, what you feel is what you feel and that is all that is important. Just because someone else does not feel the same as you in that situation does not negate your feelings. So, in the "you don't get nothing for free" column, setting boundaries requires work... work to understand what you are feeling and then communicate that feeling. Most people find it easier to just spout off... "Quit it or....!" or just internalize it which does nothing really to help understand how you feel or communicate anything other than you are experiencing rage or anger right now. Wow, is this still the CR forum? Ha ha ha...
The subject is boundaries. If you are experiencing some friction or discomfort in your life with another chances are good you don't understand let alone set boundaries for yourself. Helpful in any relationship, learning how to set boundaries is easy to do and makes a world of difference whether you are dealing with you parents, your spouse, your children or the random jerk. Anne Katherine has several good books on the subject (Amazon: Where You End And I Begin: How To Recognize And Set Healthy Boundaries) or do a web search on the topic. Personally it was rather eye opening reading her book, I saw the many times my boundaries were trampled as well as the many times I trampled others. Good luck.
He must be local because I have seen this plane relatively often here in the skies of Central Ohio and IMO to see it more than once is something.
FWIW, I have found duct cleaning companies to be rather sketchy. I called these very people once, based on their low price quote, but once they get to your home, the price quadrupled! Seems every vent, additional line, main stack, burners etc are all extra money. I had them hold to the quoted price which turned out to be a job I could have done with my shop vac. I would not do this again. Research well before you buy is my advice.
It's remarkable how AWD gets off the line, then the HP of the GT without the R takes over. It would be hard to pick which car I'd want to own.
Yah, right... I would have taken it out of the trash and put back on the floor to see if they would shut up!
Okay... you gotta delete history and temp internet files as well as cookies, then it works. Just fyi.
I just deleted cookies and not temp files... are you deleting more than just the cookies?
I am thinking Chipotle read your post and fixed it! When I refresh I get the same coupon number.
Just tried it... refreshing after deleting cookies did NOT provide a new number...
It's more akin to roulette (gambling) than the typical or traditional acution or bidding scenarios we have come to know. You pays your money, pick a number and.... oh, so close so you pays some more monies and picks anover numbers and oh... almost... fer sure jus' one more time... gonna buy me some more bids and wins me an ipod. There are hundreds if not thousands of these sites and they are surprisingly ALL on the web so, they gotta by legit... right?
Linn, some are a buck a bid!
Read teh rules... you pay to bid, each bid, every bid. How much does a bid cost? How many pennies in a dollar? Do the math. You said it yourself, "There has to be a catch" did you not hear that?
Sorry if repost, looks like a new vid to me and well done at that.
Never has been, never will be. Use as many sources as you can and then THINK FOR YOURSELF.
You have zero credibility based on your last line alone. The ONLY reason the US has a lower L/E is because in the US infant mortality is ACTUALLY tracked. It isn't in Japan, Canada or anywhere else in the world. Check it out for yourself. African nations have a lower I/M than the US... really? Uh-huh. Ergo, your argument that a longer L/E is connected to socialized medicine is BLASTED, kaput and done. Socialism in and of its self is not bad. Just like a flat head V8 is not "bad". If you want power however, there are MUCH better designs. Likewise, if you want liberty there are MUCH better ways than socialism (in any of it's guises). Obama not a socialist? You have your head in the sand. What do you think wealth re-distribution is? yikes. This country was founded on the idea of self work for self reward and the liberty so to do and GOD BLESS IT so to be!
Nah... not trying to be a creeper... just responding to the op's comment about him looking like the kind of dude that would kill him and all he knows... it's good to know where those folks are! lol
Spotted him heading east from Kenny on North Broadway about 1:30 PM today. Working as a team we should be able to keep tabs on him 24/7.
Can you show intake temps versus boost and rpm?
Where were you exactly in Arlington when your hoopty let you down?
Easy big boy... you can find them new for $99 and up. Not so bad an offer for used.
I forget the exact numbers but there are something like 40,000 people in China to every milk cow; here in the U.S. it's like 200 people. Milk is NOT a big part of their diet because they 'aint got none. Ever wonder why you see short asian parents with tall kids? When they moved here the kids started drinking milk (calcium) and get tall.
Hard to beat... http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/80033/10002/-1 H-F has the same thing in silver for a little more money, believe it or not, http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=47246
Kinda leaves you NOT wanting to use tires anymore!