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Alfa Turbo

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Everything posted by Alfa Turbo

  1. Saw it last night. I'm not into bussex with other dudes so... not my thang. Spoiler Alert: There is no god.
  2. Thumbs up to Clifford Automotive. Took care of the Subaru in two days. Many thanks. -Brian
  3. Kevin of Clifford Automotive I take it? Thanks for the quick replies.
  4. The bumper cover received a 2 inch scratch when another car backed in to my car. The scratch is down to the black plastic. The paint is GM White Diamond tri-coat. Looking for someone who can touch up tri-coats and make it look like new and hoping the whole bumper cover does not need repainted. Who you got? Thanks.
  5. To be "that guy"... you are technically creating a length of pipe that is 1/4 the length of the standing sound wave that is creating the resonant "drone". 1/4 since the wave has to travel there and back making it half of the length thus cancelling the sound wave at that frequency. Were you to design it so it were movable like a tuba you could tune it for several frequencies if you had them. In my case the additional pipe was 40" to offset a 160" or 13 foot standing wave. Kinda crazy to think the standing wave is about the same length of the car. FWIW, the car is also quieter at idle.
  6. John made a 3" exhaust for my car and it droned from 2200-2600 rpm. A little research on the web and I found the calculation to develop an inverse wave at that RPM, turned out to be 40". John added a 40" j-pipe to the exhaust and no more drone. https://goo.gl/photos/2Uigc7vmMhra7sHB6
  7. http://www.midweststreetcars.com/#!podcasts/c13ht
  8. Alfa Turbo


    They sold their $200K house in July for $55k?
  9. U miss point. Everybody say racist things. Take the stick out of your own eye before you criticize another. That point. PS Don't take things so personal, you get high blood pressure. (wink)
  10. It's good to know you, like me have never used the n-word or said anything remotely racist let alone not pc. For a while I thought I was the only one left! (tic)
  11. After a quick look at their web site... is 2mb down the best you can get with UltraTV? They have 15mb with a "lesser" package and 2mb with Ultra. That won't cut the mustard!
  12. The Northstar is a fantastic engine! Like many others, Subaru, Toyota, BMW to name a few they did put the head studs in the aluminum block without iron inserts. Just check out which manufacturers Timesert makes a kit for and you will get an idea as to how common this is. Over time and coolant leakage/seepage can cause porosity in the aluminum and let the studs loosen. You can guess what happens next. I've owned a 2001 DTS from new and had to pull the heads and use Timeserts to fix it. With it repaired and you are good to go. Once inside the piston tops were clean and with over 100K there was still nice cross-hatching on the cylinder wall, I was very impressed. Not even a hint of buildup on the lip of the liner either. The rear windows are common and a pretty easy fix. Its tough to get that much technology and luxury for that kind of money. Do your homework, read up on the Cadillacforums.com and you will be good.
  13. The islands have an efficiency percentage associated with them and they are not the same turbo to turbo. Just because 2 different turbos are in the middle island does not mean they are at the same efficiency. Also, consider for a moment the middle islands were the same efficiency percentage. The 35 will be moving much more volume (of air) than the 14b so it is not an apples to apples comparison. What is it you are trying to do?
  14. That's the backside of publishing who has 'em... now everyone knows who DOESN'T have them making them prime targets for criminals. Unintended consequences by folk hard set on a fixed ideology.
  15. Since this is the Columbus Racing forum... when I went out there annually for trade shows I would rent high-line cars and cruise around after hours. I had a Merc, Vette convertible and Viper all at reasonable rates for 2 or 3 days. I 'figgered the money I would lose sitting at a table I would use to have some fun. The bonus is you get treated really well by the valets when you roll up. Oh, and Hoover Darn was pretty cool. Did you know it is still curing! Red Rock is cool too.
  16. There is a Kroger's about a 2 minute walk south of the CH on Front Street. They have parking for $2 behind and to the south of the store. The lots are big enough dings are not a worry and they are safe and clean. I've been in this situation once before. I witnessed a hit and run on a cop. I followed they guy (with his passenger door flappin' in the breeze from the colision) on to 71S from 161 and called the po-po. The cop involved already informed them so they had an idea when I called. Gave them the plate number and hung back about 4 car lengths since the wife as with me and I had NO IDEA who I was following. He exited at Sinclair, we got stopped by the light there. I was still on the phone when the light turned green. We turned south and got stopped by the light at Morse. He was first in line, I was still hanging back about 3 cars. Traffic was light on a Thursday about 10PM. The next thing I knew (it seemed to happen all at once) a Dodge Avenger stops in the on coming lane to my left. 2 dudes in flannel and pistols got out. "Ah, under cover!", I thought to myself, and then we were bathed in light from above (chopper) a police van comes from under the bridge on Morse to stop right in front of the perp and then about 8 other cop cars pull up. Yowser and wtf! Cops thanked us for our help, detective came up and said same. Asked for our contact info. Month or so later we got the "invite" to witness. Long story short, when the public defender saw us show up (not all witnesses do) they made a deal with the DA. We sat for 5-10 minutes and then were told we could leave. Never saw a judge or nothin'. I bet the same happens for you. A few weeks later we got a nice letter from the Chief of the Po-Po's and the officer involved. Were I smart I would carry it with me... but I 'aint. The driver was... 1. Drunk 2. Illegal (immigrant from a country directly to the south) 3. Un-licensed and uninsured 4. All of the above. Yea, it's 4.
  17. Nah... she get's to live her life, I got to live mine.
  18. Tennis is one sport, I have found as a tennis dad, where young players with the technique and athletic ability can get very close to elite players on the court. It's not like basketball or football where size really matters. The better youth players are a lot of fun to watch.
  19. Front left (as viewed). Took 3rd in States as a frosh in doubles, late this year she developed a stress fracture in her leg from over playing/conditioning. 6 of the girls pictured are seniors. It will be up hill sledding next year. Jerome won team States this year and will be the favorite next year in D1.
  20. The coach on the left is Shaun Stamps HC at UA, great guy, great coach. The coach on the right is Dick Cassey, also an outstanding gentleman and a great doubles coach. My daughter is in that picture and I either know where you live or can find out! (grin)
  21. Blue smoke from burning oil I would not describe as "wispy". Coolant in the combustion chamber will produce a whitish wispy smoke and cause an engine miss until is it cleared out. Has your coolant level been consistent? The head studs are threaded into the Aluminum block and can pull over time allowing coolant (under pressure) to leak into the combustion chamber after sitting a while. As the situation gets worse start ups become more difficult, but generally the engine clears out and runs well after 15-20 seconds. If you are certain it is not coolant related, a clogged PCV could cause the symptoms you are experiencing too. Good luck.
  22. They're going to be okay, right?
  23. That would be great. While shaving can be done for performance or to match a new tire to a set of used ones, in this case I just need the outside shoulders shaved a bit for fitment purposes. A little, "just in case" room. (it is not a fender lip interference issue)
  24. Shaved as in reducing tread thickness; taking the 10/32 tread down to 5/32.
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