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Everything posted by 96MustangCobra

  1. Congrats on a great car, now lets see some pictures of it!
  2. Wish I would have known about this like 8 days ago. My parents just got a new riding mower and gave the old one away which was in great shape cause we couldn't get anyone to take it.
  3. Ouch. He really shot off that ramp on the second try.
  4. Get some gears, full exhaust and some drag radials.
  5. A t56 swap would be creamy. With some 4.56's it would be even better
  6. Those are real slick, awsome dog by the way is it a golden retriever?
  7. ouch, that sucks. sorry to hear bout the bad luck
  8. Thats some weird shit right there, wonder whats the reason behind doing that to someone.
  9. Also i dont think i would be putting a bumper sticker on that beautiful car.
  10. Wow, thats pretty sweet that you got to see it in person. I didn't even know that there were any of them around these parts
  11. Someone has to much money on their hands
  12. They both look pretty good, but i kind of like the colored rims a little better. I think both of them will look good with the windows tinted.
  13. That movie was amazing, probaly the best I have seen in a really long time.
  14. Thats slick, can't wait to see the new ones
  15. Damn, some of the shit that is on EBAY is crazy.
  16. Awsome dog! I have a chocolate lab, shes such a good dog but didn't calm down till she was like 7 years old.
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