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Posts posted by large_x7

  1. miller lites probably my favorite cheap beer, unless i'm in chicago, and then its old style (the official beer of wrigley field! Go Bears!)

    i don't understand why people like bud light or coors light, both of those always taste like shit to me.

  2. Honestly, it depends on his build. I'm 6'3", but I only weigh 170lbs, and my head just barely clears the sunroof. If at all possible, try and find a car without a sunroof, although they are more rare. If he really likes the car, it is also possible to replace the seat so that it sits lower to the floor.
  3. Well, just thought I'd let everybody know how it went. Got the jetski out of the water fine. Went to an empty parking lot and practiced for about 10 minutes. It wasn't really that hard. I probably did look like a novice at the boat ramp, but at least I didn't look stupid. Two pointers that weren't mentioned:


    1. Don't let your girlfriend try and tell you how to steer. She's probably wrong and will mess you up.

    2. I opened up the liftgate (we were using an SUV) and turned around to guide the trailer in. I found that much easier than using any of the mirrors.


    Anyways, thanks for all the help. Sorry, but you won't see any videos of me sinking the car on the internet!

  4. Hey everybody, I was wondering if anybody has any tips on launching a boat, specifically towing the trailer. My gf's parents are on vacation in Europe for a month, so she and I have to take the jetski out of the water this weekend. I have never towed anything before, and I don't want to be "that guy" that can't back the trailer down the ramp. Any tips? Thanks.
  5. Yeah, Zwan was not so good, and his solo album was almost unlistenable. My brother lives in Chicago, so he fills me in on the rumor mill. I guess Melissa auf der Mauer will play bass (she played on the last album and in Zwan, I believe), but I haven't heard who is playing the guitar. The rumor was that they were going to reunite for Lollapalooza, but obviously, they did not.


    One of my all time biggest regrets is never seeing the Pumpkins play live. They kicked off their farewell tour with a surprise show at my school (Illinois) and I didn't go. Some of my buddies stood in line for 12 hours to get tickets to that, and they told me it was completely worth it.

  6. 33 north and continue along the river on 247 to delaware. if you cross 42 it gets even better.


    No kidding! I went past 42 for the first time about a month ago and almost drove my car off the road! It is so much twistier than the state route part of riverside. I like to drive up in the Mad River Mountain area, by Bellefontaine. My favorite roads are Rt 245 and Route 287 by West Liberty. One of those roads goes right by the Piatt Castles, and there's also some caves in that area.




    Also, Hocking Hills area is good, too.

  7. Being out of town all weekend; this is terrible news to return to. Mike, you are the reason I have an FD. The hours of insight you have given me have been more helpful than you'll ever know. If/ whatever you build again; know that I will be there to help at any hour. Glad you are ok.


    What he said. How bad is the damage to the car? Is there bad frame damage? What about the engine, etc? That sucks Mike.

  8. The best way to build up your endurance is to keep running. Even though I'm pretty skinny (everybody equates that with being healthy), when I first started running I was sore everywhere, including getting pains in my shins. You might want to consider running fewer times per week, and if you are getting pains in your shins, try running on a softer surface (like gravel at the park or a high school track if it is available) and buying dedicated running shoes. They may seem expensive, but they really will help you feel better.
  9. If you are looking at an S2000, your best bet would be to get a used one. The used values on those cars are really low, and since they are a convertible and are (usually) only driven in the summer, the mileage is still pretty reasonable. Also, for convertibles, the best time to buy one is in the late fall/early winter when dealers are trying to get them off their lots before winter. My buddy got a great deal on a Corvette convertible that way. If you must buy a new car, then definitely go to Edmunds to find out what the invoice is.
  10. Since I am easily distracted from trying to diligantly do my taxes, what are everybody's favorite albums from 2005? Not necessarily albums released in 05, but albums that were purchased in 05. my list (in rough order) would be:


    1. Arcade Fire-Funeral, Best described as "eclectic" The album is much better as a whole than any of the radio singles. Saw these guys at Lollapalooza, too. Awesome show.

    2. The Postal Service-Give Up, If the Arcade Fire are "eclectic," these guys are "electric eclectic" If you like "Such Great Heights" (the single), you will love this album.

    3. Sufjan Stephens-Come On, Feel the Illinoise, Given to me for Christmas by a buddy who has "Greetings From Michigan." Kinda artsy-folksy. I didn't like it at first, but it's really growing on me. Currently getting heavy play on XM 43.

    4. The Flaming Lips-Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, I hadn't heard any of the songs on this album, but I bought because somebody told me it was good. It is.

    5. Kaiser Chiefs-Employment, Really rocking brit-pop. Also saw these guys rock at Lollapalooza. Their frontman is insane!

    6. Green Day-American Idiot, Yeah the songs on this are really overplayed, and almost the whole album has been released as a single, but it's still a really good listen.

    7. Snow Patrol-Final Straw, kinda like Coldplay, but without the whiny frontman.


    Dissapointing Albums:

    1. White Stripes-Get Behind Me Satan, But I guess almost anything would be disappointing after "Elephant"

    2. Weezer-Make Believe, I guess I'm still waiting for them to make another album as good as Pinkerton

    3. Foo Fighters-In Your Honor, IMO, this album suffers from just being too long. They could have cut this down to a 12-14 song album and made it much better. But there is some good music on here.

    4. Killers-Hot Fuss, this album was so overrated that I didn't even buy it and listened to all the shitty music on Mix 97.1 instead.

  11. Another example is, some people will root for the opposing team just so they can rub it in your face when your team loses. We have one guy at work, who grew up in upstate New York, so of course he is a Dolphins fan (rivals of the Bills), moved to Columbus area, and he roots for Michigan, even though he doesn't actually watch Michigan games. That's the worst kind of fan, if you ask me.


    Myself, I'm from Illinois, so I root for the Bears! But they played like shit against the Panthers, so it's not a surprise they lost.

  12. i've never been to alabama, but the most depressing thing about that state is that the best thing they could think of to put on their quarter was helen keller. so, what they're really saying is, after 200 years of history, the best thing to come out of alabama is helen keller? nice.
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