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Everything posted by 88lx5oh

  1. this dude gets caught tryin to tape him and his girl having sex http://media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=caughttapinggf.wmv
  2. need names and numbers of different vinyl graphic shops, and also somewhere that will make tshirts. i had a thread up before about vinyl, and some people gave me there friends numbers who did vinyl work. i called and gave the images i wanted into vinyl and i havent heard back form them in 4 weeks. so fuck them. so again someone please give me suggestiuons of a nice place to go, that will communicate wiht me and not blow me off, and is fair on price.
  3. get to the balance point and your golden.. easy to c ontrol and remember after you start to drop the bike back down get back into the throttle for a smooth landing.
  4. no fucking way lol.. holla jen hit me up this summer to ride
  5. 88lx5oh


    fucking funny as hell http://www.media.ebaumsworld.com/index.php?e=aicha.wmv
  6. my fiance is very intersested in it. if none of the sales go through let me know.
  7. a good leather jacket is gonna run you around $350 - $400... now this will have a removable liner, and removable pads. and are good thickness of leather usually around 2.0mm. Joe Rocket, Icon, Alpinestar.. all good jackets. and come in a variety of colors. and gloves wise, i avhe a pair of ICon Leather/ fabric gloves. they are the best pair i ahve owned. ive been through about 8 pairs of gloves in 2 seasons. my 2 pair of icons i ahve now arew still kicken, and have no holes, and not much wear. i ahve a regular MX style glove for warm weather, and a heavier style glove for colder weather. you want to look for somethign that fits your hands well, gives you alot of protection, bt still gives you the movement you need. Icon has it all in my book. go over to Iron Pony, they have a entire seciton of jsut Icon apparel. let me knwo maybe ill roll over wiht ya
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5565446937
  9. would like more info on the misc. computer equipment pics with them
  10. 88lx5oh


    ill be on one behind you all
  11. aaaaaaaaaahahhaa that is great
  12. 88lx5oh

    DVD player

    what kind.. and does it play VCDs???
  13. ive seen riders in the other gumball rallys... id be tearin it up
  14. yewha the banner said somethigna bout fast cars.. so you may wanna get something besides the cougar which leads me to somethign interesting... does it have to bea car?? could it be a turbo bike
  15. ive se4en you around picktown alot. im always crusing past with a white 98 GT stang wiht blakced out windows
  16. 88lx5oh

    Photoshop Cs

    i have a huge font directory if you are interested.. i have over 2500 fonts. sometimes its hard deciding what i want lol.
  17. 88lx5oh

    Photoshop Cs

    i use it and have the latest version
  18. get a editing program such as photoshop.. you can use paint though
  19. someon told me before.. if you ahve a personalized plate.. the cops will be able to pick you out easier
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