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Everything posted by TurboRust

  1. yeah its the same as its been they just send it to you on paper now. you always have had to claim you state return as income for the next year.
  2. hmm what kind of car? some things you're going to have to consider is that every tire will look slightly different on the same wheel. you have some tires with stiffer sidewalls, others with rim guard that make it appear wider, the weight of the car will also affect how it looks. personally I'd fit the largest tire you could on the wheel, I had a 275-35-18 on my 18x9's but once again it all depends on the type of car
  3. are they the satin finish or chrome? any pics?
  4. should be fairly simple for any exhaust shop to do while on the car.. i'd expect 25-50 bucks.
  5. pat you have a 7.5 in there you'd need an 8.8 housing
  6. :0 me too i got in @10am <--part time
  7. he didnt make it in this morning, tell him swing by tomorrow if you talk to him
  8. I got this Taurus for next to nothing($100) motor was knocking and starved for oil CHANGE YOU FUCKING OIL http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/old.jpg Nice 50ish thousand mile motor going in http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e91/Turborust/new.jpg
  9. scooby dooby dooo pm me
  10. sorry man I was just being a dick, gotta put a motor in my beater taurus i bought. we should have a party.
  11. you paid 200 bux.. this is a beater, drive it until it blows and quit bitching..
  12. cheetos for munchies... 3x post ftw
  13. do you put the saltwater in a bong?
  14. $15 bux for a sandwich baggie of reefer is a good deal isnt it(i dont smoke sorry)
  15. i dont mind trying trails, i've yet to go there with a half fast car. people complained fall norwalk didnt hook and my car was bouncing it hooked so hard(I also broke the rear end) so maybe the 275-350whp guys wont have the problems that the 500+ guys have
  16. putty pm me a phone number. my boss is seriously cash now interested. -Derek
  17. shush dick i was tired... 6 of the 12 ports.. anyways I got a fine wire 3/8 brush to go on a drill and clean out the lower and a larger one for most the bad parts of the upper. then i'll run shit through it when i get it back together.
  18. see the problem here is its a 24valve motor with a dual stage intake so i'd have to run the seafoam through at 3800 rpms so the other runners were open.otherwise itd only clean 12 of the 24 ports
  19. I have the upper and lower intakes off the car, i once used lacquer thinner and then drove them to the car wash, is there an easier method to clean out the carbon?
  20. dick...i just scored a 98 taurus 3.0 dohc traded it for a smith and wesson handgun i paid 100 for. had 4 lifters collapse throwing off followers, no maintenance done, so new plugs wires filters fix some vacuum lines, perfect car with cd changer and sunroof 330 bucks for everything.
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