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Everything posted by TurboRust

  1. on this same topic I want mine done i the mach 1 but dont wanna leave my car with some schmuck. Is there a reliable place that I could wait on the car while its done?? How long does it usually take?
  2. the earlier v6 models had tranny problems, the later 05+ didn't
  3. going 95mph doesnt make you stick out in traffic or anything......brakes are your friend
  4. are you reserving spots or is it first come first serve, either way i'm in.
  5. NTB FTW thanks for the business
  6. wow was this a time when Dave was allowed out of the house or were all these pictures taken in one day??? Owned
  7. we may have a morning shift part time available. it would be like 7-1 or so and prolly saturdays, submit and app if you're over 18.
  8. my house too I had the .40 cal out last night.
  9. anyone interested submit your application on ntb.com and send me a pm we'll be interviewing first of next week.
  10. I'm pretty sure I have a trade worked out with Powers on the stang, I'll post when its finally sealed and the car is no longer for sale
  11. No decent pics right now and its covered in ice/snow. Contact Bethel or Texas theyve both seen the car multiple times and can give you an idea.
  12. what ntb are you near/what part of town may help
  13. ok needs gone this week 250 and you can bring the wheels back to me so I have something to put my snow tires on for the mach no pics come see the car.
  14. you're welcome to come to my place in reynoldsburg I have a nice garage and a heater. any night this week lemme know, Derek
  15. we're open 630-6 m-f and 730-3 on sat closed sundays. You would be held to 40 hrs at 6/hr plus commission. Commission can range from 2 bucks an hr on the low end to 4-5 bucks an hour when you get good. Then when you step up to the mechanic job from general service you can make 450 a week going on up to our good guys make 1300-1400 a week
  16. remove the k&n and pm me, this money is burning a hole in my pocket lol!
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