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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. That is amazing, bet its not too long before they have him dancing and spinning.
  2. Those are really stupid. I hope these kids today dont really talk like that.
  3. I like this side by side much better. Looks cleaner to me.
  4. Looks and works fine for me. And like Dark Horse said are you going to be able to click on the banner and go to that site?
  5. Bgbdbn

    Groupe Ski Trip

    SnowShoe sounds fun. I have never been there but have wanted to try it out I`ve been to Seven Springs and a few other places, but nothing like out west.
  6. Thats sweet. Looks like very high quality work.
  7. Bgbdbn

    Groupe Ski Trip

    A group ski trip sounds like fun. Maybe try to get one to MRM and possibly elswhere.
  8. Thats good he let you off. Isnt there some legislature going on about not having to run a front plate.
  9. Just went out and looked at my jeep, should be the same as yours. It is in the fuse block under the hood on the passenger side. Its towards the back of the block, the lid will tell you which one it is and it appears to be a relay.
  10. Bet he`s not going to do that again
  11. Im not trying to be heartless. I do feel this is terrible. But it seems like everytime you see something in the news at the end they always ask for donations. I feel for the family, this is tough for them and hope they can work through it.
  12. My bad, was not paying attention to the dates. Have not seen this section before and thought it was something new.
  13. I like the idea of ramdomly changing banners. Kinda like IHRA`s web. Each time you go back to the home page a different image appears in the banner.
  14. Instead of keeping them in a box or in her purse your wife or girlfriend can now wear them around her neck and show them off to her friends
  15. Driving in snow is fun. As long as there is nobody else on the road.
  16. Bgbdbn


    I got one also. You will have that I guess
  17. Thats something you dont see everyday. Kinda neat looking
  18. And of course they are asking for donations.
  19. Why are they waiting until Feb. 25 to formally sentense him? If they are going to sentence him just do it and get it over with instead of drag it out that much longer.
  20. I like the change, I agree that it is too dark. I like the dark blue but I think it would be better with a color other than black to go with it.
  21. You can borrow my camera Dave.
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