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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. Is it shutting off and restarting or is it skipping to the beginning? Mine will skip all over the disc when I play a bass heavy song loud.
  2. who did they piss off.
  3. The only way to make that situation worse is to have a dumb ass judge allow it to proceed to a hearing.
  4. Welcome, The first video was pretty cool. The second video was fucking stupid!
  5. Little dudes have rhythm, lol. Pretty cool
  6. I like it and agree it does need lowered.
  7. Bgbdbn

    Way to go dad,

    Lets here it for alcohol tolerance.
  8. That is awful. I wonder how much warning the people would have had if all of the detection equipment had been in place.
  9. Bgbdbn

    3 die on 71

    Sorry to hear that
  10. This story is on yahoo news today http://www.yahoo.com/_ylh=X3oDMTB2MXQ5MTU3BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEdGVzdAMwBHRtcGwDaW5kZXgtaWU-/s/224787
  11. Mine hasnt either, but the township did bring a backhoe down the street to push everyones trees out of the way.
  12. Our power just came back on. I live on the southeast side of columbus, it has been out since about eight last night. Was up all night listening to the tree out front bombard the house with limbs. One limb was pretty big, fell on the roof and knocked all the pictures off of the wall. Thank God there was no damage. When the sun came up this morning the place looked like a bomb went off, pieces of the tree everywhere. But all is good so far. Anyone else have to deal with anything like this?
  13. Bgbdbn

    Idiot drivers...

    I agree with everything but the Jeep sticker. I dont have any problems in my Jeep. And yes I have one of those stickers . But I do agree most people are idiots. There should be a driving course that is mandatory for people buying an AWD or 4WD. Have them realize they are not indestructable and will get into a mess just as fast as everyone else if not careful. Maybe bouncing there car off of a few walls or trees will teach them something.
  14. When will people get it, that driving on snow and ice in a four wheel drive is not like driving on dry pavement in any other type of car. I can`t believe how many morons are out there. Take that back, yes I can.
  15. The game is awesome, got it in 24 shots also
  16. If thats real thats pretty cool
  17. I had a similar problem with a truck I had. Go out to start and it would just fine. Go for a drive get back in and it wouldnt start. The problem with mine ended up being a wire on the starter was broken and was making contact but not good contact. Replaced the wire and life was good. Hope this helps
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