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Everything posted by Bgbdbn

  1. Good luck. I`ll send you my christmas list.
  2. Generic tower with 400w AMD Athlon xp 3200+ ASUS A7N8X 400fsb 1 gb ram Radeon 7500 DVD drive Liteon 48x12x48 40gb hd 19" samsung monitor
  3. Thats cool. You wouldnt think something like that could fly
  4. Thats awesome, congratulations
  5. Looks pretty cool, just dont let go
  6. Thats impressive, the clarity with that amount of zoom is awesome.
  7. Thats pretty bad. What does this kids parents have to say about this.
  8. 94% and 10 miles. Those square states do suck
  9. Sounds really expensive for an EVO. Unless you are one of those collectors that will never drive the car and enjoy hiding some of the most prized automobiles in a garage so nobody can see it. Since they are only making 100 of them.
  10. That is gay, doing a few doughnuts and then running away. Whats up with that.
  11. Cool, thanks for the info
  12. Bring it over and we can make a cool ass muffler graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Thanks for the info. Other than the premature failure of the springs they work pretty good then. Im not all that concerned with the ground clearance. This truck will only be bracket raced and driven on the street occasionally. I was going to go with a four link set up, but we are not going to tub this truck right away. I just need something that will plant the rear tires.
  14. I think she may have some issues
  15. Just curious if any one has used Competition Engineerings Slide-A-Link traction bars. If you have what is your take on them over regular traction bars? Thinking of getting them for my truck.
  16. I got a ticket for my driver and passenger windows on my truck. The cop said I could have what ever tint I wanted behind the front windows but 12% was no good on the front windows. My sister got the same ticket in her neon and the cop said the same thing she could have whatever tint she wanted behind the front windows.
  17. Good video. They did get to issue tickets for minor offenses and got a few people for outstanding warrents. Looks like a big waste of police resources to me, wonder how many rapist and murderers got away because they were worried about the big scary street racer.
  18. You can see where they spliced the pictures together in a few places, mainly on the street to the right of the picture. A bus and car seem to be molded together and a mans legs look like they are chopped off. Other than that it looks like the quality is awesome. Did anyone notice the old windmill to the left of the left clock tower?
  19. Says it tood 3 day to compile with 5 computers. Still bad ass graemlins/thumb.gif
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