I wouldn’t think it would be a workers comp claim. I know they asked me a ton of questions when I hurt my knee on when and where it happend and what I was doing. My guess is that the guy would file an assault charge and the other guy would be responsible for all medical expenses.
Our lab eats everything. You name it and he has eaten it. He has eaten a few socks some underwear, a few light bulbs and he love vegetables. Our vet said if you have a lab you have to watch out, they will eat anything, hope yours pulls through.
These look much better in my opinion. And best of all, they are stock Jeep wheels. I have them on my Cherokee.
Guy down the street from me did it in his F-150. Took it to the dealer hoping to get a new truck out of it. They kinda just said thats cool and offered him a little money for it on trade.
You can box at most rec centers in columbus. I did this for a long time. You just have to join boxing usa which covers the insurance. Thomson rec center and Barack rec center are some good ones.
pour a pad and make a pier out of six inch schedule 40 pipe and bolt it to the pad. It wont budge. No need to fill it with concrete. Make sure you get the inclination angle right.
I like the paintball idea. Had the neighbors dog from down the street (saint bernard) come down and take a shit in my front yard every morning. I caught him in the act one morning. He went home a nice shade of pink. Havent seen him since.
I love my Jeep. Its a 99 Cherokee and gets right around 20 mpg. Has plenty of power with the 4.0 inline six. You can find these everywhere and they arent really that expensive.
I have a 71 dodge dart swinger
bought it off of a guy in San Diego and drove it home.
Had a slant six in it, replaced that with a big block.
It runs but is being torn down for a rebuild