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Everything posted by Archie

  1. I'm rich and have a behemoth cock
  2. Impossible I'm a millionaire, it snowed 4 inches total this year
  3. There are a lot of smart, handsome men on this site no homo
  4. I need help with my zipper
  5. If we spent as much time discussing racing, guns, and other shit, rather than how pathetic and ignorant the mods are CR would be a much better place.
  6. And yet cars are discussed about 1% of the time... I try to post on here for car or gun input and there is rarely any help, then a 8 page thread on how many people want to fit Sam and tillers cock in their ass at the same time. BEAT. You need to get BF3 it is MONEY.
  7. Thanks, Eric Seriously CR, you fail miserably at politics and economics.
  8. Gabe is probably the only reason CR is still alive. Without him it's probably the bigges moderator sausage party known to man.
  9. It has been done. I am now the gun god of CR, all shall bow to me. Thanks for the help "gun crew" lol.
  10. Archie

    Gun Blue-ing

    Nope thats right up the road...
  11. Archie

    Gun Blue-ing

    Any good contacts around the north end of town to get a gun re-blued? Anyone but Aumiller's.
  12. Who are our enemies? How have these enemies attacked you personally? If you honestly think that a bunch of poor muslims, thousands of miles away, can attack us on our own soil - you need to do some reading/research or get off the couch more. The only countries that hold hostilities against the US GOVERNMENT (not its people), are ones that we have bombed back to the stone age for absolutely no reason. And please do not bring up 9/11 - there is too much misconstrued information about how these guys flew aircraft past one of the most advanced military/defense structures the world has ever seen. Someone within the government knew this was going to happen - end of story: there is more information suggesting this did happen, than did not. No arguement needed - do some research.
  13. Nowhere does he state anything close to "anarcho-capitalism"... Any youre a fan of our current foreign policy? Sending billions of dollars overseas while Americans are losing their homes? Allowing discrimination? Like having unconstitutional legislation requiring businesses/governments to employ a certain % of minorities? Is that not discrimination? This is why our forefathers fought and died for the constitution - so that everyone has the same rights and is treated EQUALLY - and yes that means minorities get to be treated as shitty as white people.
  14. For those of you who talk about his foreign policy being "out there", a little food for though. Quotes from Ron Paul about this view on his foreign policy: Paul's response to numerous critics : “They use those terms because they can’t defend themselves intellectually.” “If they say my foreign policy is kooky, maybe they ought to look at what is happening.” Paul added. “…invading a country like Iraq, who never did a thing to us, killing a lot of people and turning it over to the shiites who are allies with the Iranians, I call that kooky.” “I call it kooky allowing our president now to go into numerous countries, even today he went into another African country without permission of the Congress. Fighting undeclared wars, that is kooky, and that is why the American people are sick and tired of what we have.” “Spending more money overseas is conservative? Where did that come from?” Paul stated. “Too many conservatives say ‘that’s our position, spend more overseas’. That doesn’t make any sense to me.”
  15. Bahahahahaha it snowed 2 inches I'm a millionaire!!!!!! Bahahhaha warren buffet should get into this shit there's so much money That sounds a little silly and it should
  16. Archie


    I miss her beautiful face on the forum homepage
  18. 4 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!! http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/390791_2372116191253_1500975146_32195567_283138495_n.jpg
  19. Columbus did not discover America... Sorry forgot that we erased the whole "Native American" part from our history, as NA's had absolutely nothing to do with any of the wars fought to claim independence. We see this today as they are not recognized as American Citizens, because they came here after Columbus discovered this uninhabited land. You guys win. Google Leif Ericson
  20. Damn, a lot of you guys need to get out of your parents basement every once and a while. Have your parents pay for some schooling or give you some money to travel...
  21. 1776 was when the declaration of independence was signed... how many years were early settlers seeking freedom oppressed by foreign powers? 800 years was a ballpark of injustice, murder, rape, ect.
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