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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Hatin' on that playa piece? Get some ivory grips for that shit and hit the blocks
  2. I'd check the hydraulics as they are known to go bad on these cars especially if it has anywhere near 100k miles. :fuuuu: They definitely do not have clutch CABLES - these are found on POS Ford foxbody escort looking trash. :dumb:
  3. Archie


    Delivered like a big white 80s bush sexy bathroom pic Jesus more like
  4. Archie


    must have reasonably sized gut, manboobs, and 80s bush
  5. Archie


    I deactivated my facebook and craigslist m4m is a bit harsh
  6. Archie


    somehow this discussion spilled over to the Garrett thread, the seven degrees of 'The Full Monte'
  7. Archie


    somebody put a pedobear head on that pic
  8. Archie


    You never know when you'll need to txt it to someone or post it on CR. A lot better than fucking his gf IMHO (that was hypothetical not directed at you)
  9. Yes. But Obama has pissed me off the worst because he actually seemed like he was going to be on the right side of history (didnt want to use the word "change", fuck) and he fucking LIED like a bitch. At least with Bush you knew what you were getting - one crooked, sociopathic fuck.
  10. Hes just a corrupt puppet being bribed, blackmailed (no pun intended), and told what to do. He could give a fuck less.
  11. Zombies are scaaaaarryyy. I'd rather get shot with an alien space ray then be eaten alive ahhhh
  12. Archie


  13. Archie


    Part 2 is a literary masterpiece
  14. You only need to look at who profits from "global warming" to know that its just another scam. Carbon Tax anyone?
  15. Archie


    I want to see some pics of this bad boy
  16. This is correct. And I guess it is somewhat deserved when our country worships people like the Kardashians and losers on American Idol, vote for puppets like obama/gingrich/santorum/romney, and stuff toxins into their guts. Got my guns and waiting for the aliens to save us (post aliens guy plz)
  17. I do not fear them. There are some simple people on this site that only trust google / wikipedia. Everytime I post an infowars link people on here get all butt-hurt so I'll let them do their own research.
  18. Archie

    CR Beer Pong

    Damn, I was down for this. I should of paid better attention to the thread I could of got some moar teams together
  19. Im so sick of these hypocrite pigs. Motherfucker should be in jail for OMVI among his other charges.
  20. Archie


    Hipster chics armpits smell worse than their pussies... That's why I don't sex them :fa:
  21. Haven't really heard any discussion of it anywhere other than infowars... Obama signed it so looks like you nerds will have to find somewhere else to wine besides the internet. :fa: http://www.infowars.com/obama-signs-global-internet-treaty-worse-than-sopa/ For those of you who do not have access to the unexplained, top secret, alien technology that is GOOGLE.
  22. Apple sucks. I have an iphone but just because its trendy - I only use it for texting and youtube.
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