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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Seeing people on this board vote for Obama, Romney, ect. just reassures my belief of the following: 1. People on this board have no understanding of our financial system, fiat currency, or basic economics. 2. Those people also do not own homes 3. Those people do not work, pay taxes, or have benefits 4. Those poeple do not realize that establishment candidates have reversed in a few decades, over 800 years of struggle in this country to create our constitution/bill of rights. I believe that what Obama did by signing the NDAA into law is treason. Anyone who votes for him does not deserve to be an American because they have no belief in the Constitution and have no respect for our country or the ones who died creating it. There's a lot that you don't see living in your parents basement, washing a Corvette or Audi that your daddy bought you.
  2. Whoever voted for Obama should be banned... Are you fucking serious?
  3. Lettuce not get off topic because of one retard...
  4. This did not answer my question. I am replacing 6 parts on this rifle with US made parts so I can modify it to accept hi cap magazines. If you don't have anything useful or intelligent to stay, keep your comments to yourself.
  5. I've searched all over the interwebs for some information about converting this Zastava I bought to accept 30 rnd mags. No one has a real good write up on this, I know you need to cut the trunion and mill out the blocks inside the receiver but I'm looking for a more in depth walkthrough. Any help????
  6. He probably killed Mr. Gilkey because he was a closet homosexual... That's why his father spared the step-son because he "had kids". I had Mr. G for spanish, he was a great teacher but now I realize that his home life effected him a lot.
  7. Archie


    I want to hump her face
  8. Archie

    CR Beer Pong

    Stepdad is always down for some drinking, fighting, and fucking
  9. Mileage doesn't really matter... but I wouldn't really be wanting to pay top dollar to someone whe doesn't want to sell it. Lettuce know some details on the truck and if he wants to strike deal.
  10. I would probably pour the peter to zx6bytch, jussayin...
  11. They are hard to find right now unless it's a POS, havin trouble bro
  12. Planet X Get on Zetatalk now for up to date news
  13. http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f214/apietra/untitled-1.jpg
  14. Looking for one with a 5.3, Extended cab, and 4x4... Might be intersted in a 2wd or even one alil older. Must be extended cab so I can throw food bags, cig boxes, prints, and hard hats back there.
  15. You should get a tatoo of zx6byatch on your bum
  16. Can we seriously get rid of zx6bytch... I'm tired of seeing its picture every time I load the main page. However, it gets my vote for Miss Trailer Park Queen of the Year.
  17. Winner. After managing large concrete construction projects all over the country for years, this is the common practice to avoid damage usually caused by salt. A good explanation from chemicalprocessing.com: "When salt is put on concrete to melt snow and ice, the salt dissolves the snow and makes a salt water slush and the liquid can be absorbed by the concrete. If the temperature then drops and the water freezes, the growing ice crystals expand and break up the concrete surface. A similar mechanism can occur in warm weather. When concrete is repeatedly wetted by salt water with alternate periods of evaporation, salt crystals are left behind in the concrete pores and surface. These crystals can then re-hydrate when exposed to moisture causing them to re-hydrate and grow in size thereby exerting forces that can break up the concrete. A good quality concrete mix with the appropriate amount of cement can create a strong concrete surface and minimize salt attack. You can also treat concrete with a clear coating specifically design for this purpose to minimize or eliminate water absorption thereby minimizing deterioration of the concrete by this mechanism."
  18. You continue to show your own ignorance
  19. The problems this country is facing will be solved exactly the way they were in 1776, With armed patriots. Regardless if Americans are too fat, too dumb, or too lazy, there are still men who will search deep down in their soul and fight against Tyranny. See you on the battlefield my friends.
  20. Get the cops involved - once they do nothing then take matter into your own hands.
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