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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Archie

    Hey police guys

    Never ask a cop to do anything for you, fucking worthless. They'll violate your rights and abuse their power at their own leisure.
  2. "glad I sold my 2 valve"... ROFL
  3. Fuck college funds, buy a C6
  4. None of your requirements exist in the Dayton area... it's an all around shithole. seriously, Beavercreek is quite nice...
  5. Shyt man, you know me... I'm just tryin to get ma dick sucked
  6. Looks good Max, the wheels make the car look 100% better. That intercooler looks like it was a bitch to get to.
  7. I thought the same thing. So I did a little scientific test myself: I laid several peices outside and let them get rained on for several days. I also left one fully submerged in a bucket of water. Let's just say that they're waterproof enough if they are laid correctly.
  8. it's up over 700,000 lol. zeitgeist, your comment made me lol.
  9. Let's see a bunch of crooked banksters and politicians do something like that...
  10. This is what SERIOUSLY disturbs me. Why in the fuck do we need 16,000 more of these fucking nazi, money grubbing, low life theives to "collect" taxes? What we REALLY need is 16,000 more scientists, doctors, nurses, ect.; not more beaurocratic assholes. EVERYTHING the government gets involved with causes it to become less efficient, more expensive, and lowers standards. Politicians simply lack the knowledge to solve problems. They need to leave it to scientists, doctors, engineers, technicians, ect.; people who make our world safer, more efficient, and raise our standard of living.
  11. Aspartame??? This is why I don't even drink diet sodas regularly. Research it.
  12. I'm done trying to wake people up on this site. All you fucking sheep just keep sucking FOX News's dick and enjoy your slavery. /thread
  13. That Rebel is pretty nice... I'm gonna see if Eric wants it, it may be to much bike for him though.
  14. Fuck, I want to go but I have to go to The Pub for a bday party... I did get the SS out, gave my bitch some T-Top therapy (where da roof go?).
  15. VERY interested... when would you be available for me to come take a look? PM me
  16. Archie

    WTB..ls1 parts

    Lettuce see if I have the bellows... I know for sure that I have an extra LS1 intake, emissions shit, and even a Loudmouth 1 catback...
  17. It's about time you bought something cool... I'm also thinking about getting a bike.
  18. The daschund is not mine to trade... And I don't think we need to lose any more money
  19. She's going to be unleashed to the mindless inbreds on Craigslist tommorrow...
  20. This is very impressive... Tony is a god in the LSX community, you're lucky.
  21. Did your dad sell it already?
  22. Blah this fucking rain... I'm just gonna drink beer
  23. my harbor freight jack has worked flawlessly since I bought it 2 years ago...
  24. Is everyone still going then? I don't wanna show up and have to eat a bunch of burgers and get all bloated
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