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Everything posted by Archie

  1. Bottom dollar on that weiand I'd say around 2 hunderd fiddy bucks, I'll still need to see if I got that crossover.
  2. I have a Weiand intake manifold that is half ported and might even have a crossover kit laying around somewhere.
  3. I just got an iPhone 4... whats a good site for this jailbreak shit
  4. America fell apart in 2008, we're all fucked. Grab some guns and lets fix this shit.
  5. stepdad needs this... good luck with the sale
  6. this looks like something you would sell, but it would be knocking.
  7. Archie


    Buy one from turbo chan (chad)
  8. Westerville needs somewhere to dump their trash... why not a rotting cesspool filled with fags.
  9. If you're going to argue about this oil spill, here's a few things to consider: 1. It has been DOCUMENTED by BP (and Halliburton) employees, mainly the workers on the rig, that they new that the rig was going to fail. It almost seems that certain people in BP's upper echelon wanted this thing to collapse. 2. The coast guard is not allowing the states to do any type of cleanup effort to prohibit the oil contaminating their coastlines and freshwater bodies. They are also suppressing local media coverage of the "cleanup effort" going on in the gulf. BP will also terminate any contract with fishing vessels if their personnel are wearing proper PPE needed for the cleanup, ie. respirators, gloves, suits. 3. Weeks before the oil spill, Goldman Sachs sold 44% of its BP stock. 4. Weeks before the oil spill, Halliburton bough a company by the name of Boots & Coots, which specializes in prevention and risk-control services for oil and gas-well fires and blowouts, knowing that BP would contract them for the cleanup. 5. The queen of England owns the biggest majority of BP stock. The most important: After Obama's address, his administration revived in the house and senate certain legistlation that is meant to enslave and control people: THE CARBON TAX. If any of this Carbon Tax legislation gets approved, it will give the global elite control of the one element that all other life is based on: Carbon. This failed when all the Climategate articles surfaced that scientists were falsifying documents to prove global warming was true, now all of a sudden it's back on the table. Isn't it always funny how there's always some tragic explosion before legislation is on the table to take away our freedoms? Kind of deja vu when you think about a big explosion in 2001 that expedited the passing of the Patriot Act and the invasion of two countries. Think about it, do some research, and stop believing the bullshit you see on the mainstream media.
  10. They are worried about 20 fucking dollars... what a bunch of fucking cheap deuchebags. I'll fuck richer, better looking, wetter pussy having, smarter bitches than you ever will in your fucking life. Lick my mother fucking balls NERDS. /END forum
  11. Broadway at the Beach is pretty money. Anyone who didn't like this place is either gay or has an extreme fear of talking to girls.
  12. Archie

    LSx guys

    uncapped borla... sounds like a nascar
  13. You guys are right, I'm sorry... Lets go have some fried chicken and make some man love.
  14. Triple because I got that dough
  15. The only "under 21" people I like to hang out with are loud, drunk, skanky hoes. Any guy under 21 really doesn't have enough holes for me.
  16. People are still racing???? I though everyone just met up to see who had the loudest Civic DX and jack each other off. I thought maybe we could start meeting up at classics so the cops could take care of the ricers and I can get a decent hand job at the bar. BTW - Stepdad only drives his Camero when he's drinking liqour.
  17. Are we in the 4th grade? Let's start meeting at a fucking bar or something...
  18. Archie


    I went to all three days of the collegiate sevens tournament, as a rugby player and a fan it was unbelievable... I can't believe more people weren't there. I played at BGSU for 5 years - definitely one of the best experiences of my life. BG actually did decent in the tournament, winning the consolation bracket. I always wondered why rugby hasn't taken off like I thought it should. Then I volunteered to coach the Westerville Worms girls team... after talking with athletic directors in all westerville schools it became quite obvious. There are some people out there who only care about themselves and don't give two shits about the youth of our community. The only school that gave any encouragement was westerville central, with westerville north's AD being the biggest piece of shit I've ever spoken with.
  19. This is what American cars SHOULD look like. Good job.
  20. Whose ass to kick? Probably the same oil company that gave him millions in campaign contributions... the most they have given to any president, ever. They also spend about $16 million ever year lobbying to influence energy policy. Sorry to burst your bubble Thorne, but he's not going to kick anyones ass... he (and many other crooks) will have their asses handed to them eventually. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64420A20100505 Don't let the facts get caught in your wool, sheep.
  21. wrong again M'NERDS, the best man smell is diesel fuel...
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