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Everything posted by iwishiwascool

  1. I bought my real life (Import copy) for 30 bucks from newegg. It was worth every penny.
  2. Ill have the faux hawk, blue shirt, red shorts.
  3. I'm going tonight at 1am. Im going to lift heavy stuff so hard.
  4. The eye for an eye mentality is so 17th century (BC ). I like to think that we are not as hypocritical as to preach that we are blessed by the grace of God, as Bush often does, and then resort to the disgusting tactics that we have come to despise. PS. The Babylonian Empire too was eventually eclipsed.
  5. Yeah, It's the 24 hour appeal that got me. I actually have a calfit right on my corner but since it's a preview site, it is only open till 8. Screw that.
  6. What is the point of enlightening them with our superior society if we are going to resort the the inhumanity that make us cringe? Welcome to the real world.
  7. 17th ammendment "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Rummy has skirted around it by holding "Terrorists" in Cuba. Had they been transported to the USofA they would be subject to a proper Arraignment. Also with the patriot act... the ammmendment is null and void if you are labeled a "terrorist". Saddam is being tried for INTERNATIONAL war crimes against humanity.
  8. The letter forgot to mention that the "Terrorist" is not convicted of any crime and not had an opportunity to present his case in any court of law. But who cares about silly details like the constitution.
  9. I think they have a special now that is 160 down and 20 bucks a month. If not it is completely negotiable as long as you talk to a manager. http://www.calfit.net/specials.html
  10. Electric. Both my washer AND dryer have died.
  11. After some (a long) time off, I've decided to start moving heavy stuff seriously again. My backround includes highschool powerlifting and extensive knowledge of diet and nutrition. I workout at California Fitness on Broad in reynoldsburg between 8pm-2am (they are open 24hrs) What I'm looking for is someone to work out with 4 times a week. If you are new to the game, you get an inside knowledge base of what to do (and what never to do). If youre and old pro, you know that having an obligation will keep us consistent and having a spotter will allow us to go beyond what would otherwise be unsafe for to do alone.
  12. Type of router, switch, DHCP server or whatever you are using would help.
  13. If you give the brand of router, I and others could probably tell you the exact things to click and enter... start by entering in your address bar. User is usually administrator with no password. You are going to have to add WEP Encription. A 64 bit hex works fine. Make sure it is set on shared key.
  14. The bowling palace if it isnt too classy
  15. I threw up in my mouth a lil.
  16. Ill handle the cowbell position.
  17. I dont think you have to worry about anyone on here having even the most remote thought of getting more information on that mess.
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