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Everything posted by alibies

  1. try cleaning the MAF... they sell some cleaner for it at napa... mine had a similar problem and i fixed it by just cleanin the MAF
  2. he distroyed his inside fender wells on those dumb back wheels
  3. http://www.break.com/index/pimped_out_white_car.html may have been here before... i searched and didnt find anything Thread with it in it http://www.jeddahboys.com/vb/showthread.php?t=37016
  4. could it be a bad ground? things can go really outa wack with a bad ground... maybe worth a try to look
  5. did he buy it? because if not that would be a hell of a gift
  6. my gf's sister is a firefighter... she currently goes to columbus state for a fire science degree... She was a member of the fire department in centerburg since she was like 13 (junior firefighter kinda thing), went to the career center in MountVernon and left the lead of her class. I think it involves being a volunteer firefighter for a while though...
  7. I tried to start my car in a taco bell parking lot but it just kept turning over. The sound the car makes right before it starts, its running but not started. (not just clicking it's firing too) It does that so I tried to turn it off and it just kept going... I took the key out and it just kept on going... after a minute I was able to turn it off and then get it running and drive home. There were no problems or anything. When I got home I turned it off and tried starting it again... it started the same starting thing again, key out of it and all. It wouldn't turn off! so my gf ran and got a camera because it started to smoke... it smelled BAD like the smell of clutch X100. I finaly got it to turn off after a few minutes. Here is a vid where the smoke was coming from It started throwing sparks and freaky stuff so i undid the battery (so no engine codes) 1996 ford contour http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v631/softlyspokenloudlyunderstood/?action=view&current=994b32ea.flv I pulled the car apart a while ago and the starter looked fine. I figured it it was smoking that there would be evidence... Anyone have any ideas of what it could be?
  8. eat grilled chicken and green beans for every meal... thats also from wrestling Wear anything that traps heat when you workout... i used to wear soccer socks, a tshirt, hoodie, kneepads, and beanie to practice and they'd weigh a ton after due to sweat (didnt smell good either...) I saw a kid go as far as shaving off all of his hair... made him sweat more durring wrestling meets and verry hard to get ahold of... but i think he said he lost like 1/2 a pound just by doing that
  9. Just something I read "MACAULEY CULKIN and his longtime girlfriend MILA KUNIS are reportedly shopping for an engagement ring after deciding to wed." its sad really...
  10. Hey... I have a contour and my name is brad... woah... At least yours is a Duratec... ive got a cyl per door ^^
  11. alibies

    Shit for sale

    how much for the tv monitor?
  12. does it have the se skirts?
  13. where in westerville do you live? i might be interested
  14. what wheels are on it? the focus svt rim? or the mondeo ones or what? i might want them, btw youve fixed my coolant problems in the past remember me?
  15. thats really cool, props to your pops
  16. i have a ferret myself and they are amazing little creatures funny as hell to watch... ill ask my around and see if i can find someone... there was this one chick who wanted one... ill ask her if she could handle 2 :-D
  17. some sites out there tell how to do stuff and what the numbers mean i googled it a while back...
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