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Everything posted by alibies

  1. hey, do you still got the hook up on tires? im runnin kinda bald right now and need some like 225/50-17s or wheels with tires that are 45-60 offset 5x114.3 in 17 or 18s... id like to get some rx8 wheels, but the probably wont happen. the car is a 05 mazda6sgt ...


    any recomendation on tires? i was lookin at something either all season sport tires or full summer tires

  2. I have a friend in columbus with a full SR swap he's looking to do, but no 240sx to put it into. Anyone have a decent 240 shell? hes looking for the $800 range and prefers a coupe let me know brad
  3. hayabusa = new lsx whore for smaller cars?
  4. http://forum.mazda6club.com/index.php?showtopic=106284&st=0&start=0 ms6 / 43,0xx ~6900 left on factory warranty $15,900
  5. http://www.6crew.com i love my 6... my only regret is not going for the speed6
  6. basslinks are great subs, they just tend to go bad after a year or so... i doubt the OP has anything wired wrong... especially if he tried it in another car with a similar setup and got nothing infinity will repair them for a fee... the last person i know who sent one in ended up with a faulty referb back... they then sent a new one to apologize
  7. there are a few tricks that make putting a board together easier... too late now!
  8. that thing would be sweeeet laying frame with a tbd i wish i had some cash! gl with the sale
  9. bestbuy has the garmin nuvi 260w for 199 and you get a 10 buck giftcard for buying one the 260w is a wide screen with text to speech garmin is the best for anyone, especially someone who isn't tech savvy
  10. peanut butter and banana sandwich peanut butter sandwich peanunt butter and pickles sandwich all so good...
  11. The best part was when one of the characters named cheese popped out and said " I like rick rolling! "
  12. While watching the macys floats! The fosters home for imaginary friends float had Rick pop out and start singing!
  13. thats the guy who tuned my blazer last year... nice guy...
  14. alibies


    i've always been a drummer. my pops was a drummer from highschool on and i picked it up on my own by playing with his kit. a pearl black yamaha custom 7 piece ... Since my brother stole it and put it in his basement... i tried to cope with the loss by buying a yamaha electric kit and it wasn't the same
  15. I'm looking to get a xm tuner for my fiancé's car: an 07 chevy equinox I can get an external unit pritty cheap, but would rather have the real deal Anyone got the hookup?
  16. http://www.edmunds.com/pictures/VEHICLE/1996/Lexus/2874/1996.lexus.sc400.6409-300x189.jpg sweeet
  17. I have a macbook pro, and an hp laptop. The apple is my favorite between the two. If you honestly look up the prices between two comparable machines, including quality as a factor, you will find that mac prices aren't that bad. Don't forget the vast amount of free programs and jenky sh*t you can get on a windows computer. There is no limits or regulation of software for windows, so free stuff is abundant. hell... the apple store's hand held scanners run xp...
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