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Everything posted by Maro

  1. My wife and I like to go to Cracker Barrel on the weekend... good food!
  2. I don't get it.... I got bored after 3 tries..... ??
  3. WHere? I've never seen it. Anyone have any saved ones they wanna share?
  4. Great... now we'll have a bunch of fucktards who can't drive OR PARK!
  5. Maro


    Sure ... lets see what ya got.
  6. Here is the motor running up close... http://videos.streetfire.net/category/NOPI/0/8bd7fbbf-8596-4ed9-98ea-985e0158f5a9.htm Anyone else notice that it isn't intercooled? Looks like it might have a methanol or water mist system.
  7. Maro


    Sorry to say it ... but reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. Bill.... A cobb AP isn't going to do you much good unless there is a specific cobb map for your build up. Check the maps they have available... it will point you towards the most common modifications. Feel free to PM me with any questions... or if I can help you out. I regularly have Subaru install days at my house where we do all types of mods.... it isn't that hard.
  9. I have no issues with the interior space... but I'm only 6'. The interior is designed nicely and cleanly...if a little sparse. I, personally, love the placement of the seat heater switches on my '05. The stock suspension was TOO soft, IMHO. I dropped the car 1 inch to help reduce roll and pitch. The step up from stock to Stage 2 is a huge change (13 psi to 18 psi boost pressure). Also... I have driven both the 5EAT and the 5MT (which mine is) and the 5MT is MUCH more fun to drive IMHO. The I drive is a joke. I wouldn't want that on mine... what a PITA.
  10. Maro


    I think the Subaru AWD is better than the Audi quattro (debatable)... but they are the best of the best.
  11. Maro

    Drifting vid

    Well... Andy... sometimes you just ask for it.
  12. I am Jacks raging bile duct....
  13. http://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/0822/wtfcat.jpg
  14. Nice. Thanks for sharing. Too bad those are all gone.
  15. Hasn't the whole Grove City thing been played out a little to much....? http://www.picpop.com/gallery/albums/userpics/1-14-05/deadhorse.jpg
  16. Its easy to yell insults as you drive by in a car.... fucking pussy. He needs his ass beat.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkgZj2UTO8A&mode=related&search=
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