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Everything posted by Maro

  1. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8271874173492401222 Wait for it........... wait for it................ wait..............
  2. I found this funny... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1047157044159649860
  3. Maro


    One of my favorite Family Guy episodes involved Ipecac! http://www.kemibu.com/familyguy/v11.wmv
  4. Not much... evidently....
  5. What was the guys user name on that board?
  6. Again.. is the XP SP2 CD an upgrade version or a full install? Do you have a photo you can post up or send me?
  7. Let me think about it. I have a 10" Infinity reference speaker in a sealed box right now... but it takes up too much space.... The Bazooka didn't do it with all the trunk insulation in my LGT. The sealed box is about right... but it is big.
  8. License Status as of 09/07/2006: VALID **************CONVICTIONS************** C1 IN-STATE CONVICTION COURT: CIRCLEVILLE MUNI COURT COURT CASE: 3D08585 OFF. DATE: 09/12/2003 CONV. DATE: 09/19/2003 POINTS: 02 OFFENSE: ASSURED CLEAR DISTANCE ***************ACCIDENTS************** A1 ACCIDENT DATE: 09/12/2003 COUNTY: PICKAWAY BMV CASE: 38261002 ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS*** Some fuckhead swerves outta my lane at the last minute to miss a stopped car... I didn't miss him! DOH!
  9. You can officially go fuck yourself.
  10. How much "punch" does this unit have? comparable to a 10" in a single enclosure? Sorry for the dumb questions... but I already had a Bazooka tube and it wasn't enough for me....
  11. My older cat, Patches, gets like that when he gets really scared. Noises you didn't think a cat could make. But they are just afraid and doing what comes naturally.. which is "fight or flight". It is always fun to deal with him when he's like that! (sarcasm)
  12. Park the car... get some food... listen to the music... and admire some NICE cars.
  13. Classic! The kleenex will stick to the head of your dick like a band aid!
  14. Do you mean PCMCIA? I'm looking for a PCMCIA card... Also.. is the Windows XP SP2 CD a full version or an upgrade?
  15. Is the wiring all in good shape? Ebay link, possibly?
  16. I'd like to see it as well. I gotta make it out to a meet with you guys sometime. Sounds like it'd be entertaining and It'd be nice to meet you all in person... for a change.
  17. That's a sharp car. I looked at them when I was shopping for my LGT.
  18. There is a white STi w/ gold rims in Johnstown @ Denny Dotson....
  19. Alcohol 120% is good for managing virtural drives and mounting images.
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