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Everything posted by Maro

  1. Wow... that had to fuckin hurt! Geesh!
  2. The Krogers off 665 and Hoover is right near me....
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGk1iFa_roU&mode=related&search= Part 2... the 2 lambo's join in... along with a whale-tale 911.
  4. Another one... http://cgi.ebay.com/2005-OHIO-STATE-BUCKEYES-GOLD-PANTS-AWARD-CHARM_W0QQitemZ250029345071QQihZ015QQcategoryZ24600QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Broken axle... my guess.... Dumbasses!
  6. Those are great! I LOL'ed!
  7. ^^^^^ Or just don't street race....
  8. Bump for cute cats! I'd definately take one of 'em if I didn't already have 4.
  9. Hey... if Bettina starts working for you.... I'll start driving all the way up there for appointments.... :leghump:
  10. That is one way to keep up resale value... keep fucking up your new designs!
  11. What happened to the little one with vertigo?
  12. Maro

    Please Pray

    My thoughts are with both of you.
  13. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... David Copperfield... she isn't. (thank god!)
  14. That would be a blast!
  15. Thats too bad.... Here are a couple more sweet RC jets... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txhbvF2ejus&NR
  16. http://www.kemibu.com/familyguy/v71.wmv ............. with a baseball bat!
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