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Everything posted by CobraKevin

  1. The freakiest Japenese kid and his mom make the strangest, creepiest noises, and can be literally anywhere at any time in virtually any form. Yeah, pretty freaky.
  2. Summary: In some Japanese town, an incident occured in an old house that left behind a curse. Anyone who enters the house is exposed to the curse and will be followed for life by it. Karen (Sarah Michelle Gellar) enters the house as a substitute care-giver for an elderly lady who's son and daughter-in-law currently live in the house. She gets exposed to the curse and tries to help investigators solve the issue concerning what happened/is happening with the house. Pros: A few hot chicks, freaky setting, freaky characters, and lots of other freaky shit. Cons: A little slow, quite a few flashbacks some may find hard to follow, and the ability to fuck over the rest of your night. Conclusion: 4.75/5.00 - Quite possibly the scariest movie ever. EVER! For those that don't get scared at movies, give this one a shot. For those that saw it and didn't think it was scary, please feel free to enlighten me on a movie that was. For those that scare easily and/or enjoy being scared (like me), prepare to seem 5 again when bedtime arrives.
  3. I think a lot of people who are bashing Ford in this thread are missing the point of the picture. "Famous Last Words", pointing out things that people have said in the past that weren't true. Firebirds and Camaros are no longer around, said nothing about who's car is better. This thread was designed to be a "Check out this cool wallpaper I made", not a "Ford sucks, make a GM wallpaper" thread. But if you wanna get technical Mike (copperhead) and Zack (Mackzilla), there's a $15,000 price difference between a new Z06 and a new Cobra, more than plenty to make the car outrun and outhandle the Z06. So lets not get into this graemlins/gay.gif shit again. On topic, awesome wallpaper. Mine now.
  4. I downloaded the song off Kazaa, so if anyone wants to host for me...
  5. ....yeah, I'd have to hit that.
  6. Has there ever been a white guy offended from the use of "cracker" or even "honkey"?
  7. Shut the FUCK up! Posting on a message board doesn't require perfect spelling or grammar, but GOD! DAMN! Capitalize your "I's" and end fucking sentences with periods. If you can't do that, go back to 4th grade or quit posting. Period.
  8. LOL! That seriously was a fuckin hilarious movie. Just got back from it, and EVERYONE should go see it.
  9. CobraKevin


    What's your sig from?
  10. LMFAO Are you fucking serious?! graemlins/lol.gif
  11. I agree, and can't wait. This ride will still be fun, though.
  12. We have shitload 225/60r16's at Sam's relatively inexpensive.
  13. I think the person being mentally handicapped had a lot to do with his post. The title of his thread, if I'm not mistaken, was "So I was yelled at by a mentally handicapped person this evening..." I'm assuming just from the sincerity in your post that either a family remember is mentally challenged or that you feel very strongly for equal rights or something along those lines and that's all fine and dandy. The point is had it been a normal person ripping his ticket and giving him a hard time about the escalator, it would be one thing. The fact that it was a mentally retarded person (probably the older white lady I see there all the time) made it that much more out-of-the-ordinary. I seriously doubt Joe had/has any harsh feelings towards any handicap people. She didn't do anything wrong, and it wasn't about her doing anything wrong, just the fact she's MC and she yelled at him, which is pretty humorous. And besides, if his post read how you typed it, it would have probably gotten a shitload of graemlins/gives.gif 's, but the MC lady was the "Sixth Sense twist" so to speak. So just relax a bit, Eli.
  14. CobraKevin

    Spring 2005

    Set your sites for New Jersey, fellas. tongue.gif Two words: Kingda Ka http://www.sixflags.com/parks/greatadventure/index.asp
  15. I would normally just tell you to check my post in the pics/vids section, but accusations like this need to be replied to. If it was just me and Scott that didn't show up, I could see you singling us out, but seeing as how "all these emergencies" signifies more than us, that seems a little harsh. I REALLY wanted to go that day. I switched work shifts with a guy about 2 weeks in advance, I tried to get a buddy to come with me, I offered my car as transportation, I burnt a CD for the trip the night before, talked everything over with Jason the night before, posted about wanting to see Jason's bro who I haven't seen since June at graduation, and even tried to convice sexychick97 or whatever to go after she was ripped to pieces by a few of the members on here by asking a simple question. The problem? Apparantly, I wasn't awake enough to comprehend my alarm and therefore didn't wake up until 9:10. I was seriously considering getting your number of the site, calling on my cellphone and requesting that you guys wait an hour for me to get dressed and make it to Polaris. But I figured that would be just as rude as not showing up. Sure, I could've made the hike myself, but the whole point of going was to hang out with people on the way, there, and back. So I threw that idea out as well. Then I check my messages at around 8:00p.m. and find one from Jason saying "It's 10 after 9, man, we're waitin on ya" and one from an unidentified person saying "Hey fucker, we're leaving. I'm disappointed you fucked us over. Later" Kinda sounded like Ant, but I didn't think he was going, but still I disregarded it as a subtle joke. But if others feel the same way you apparantly do, it changes the whole perspective of that message to me. I really don't know how I personally could have fucked you guys over, but if that's how you guys perceive it then I apolgize. Hell, I apologize anyways because I wanted to be there and fucked up. It wasn't because I forgot, because I had an emergency, or because I didn't want to go, just simply overslept. Then I get fucking reamed from you? graemlins/finger.gif
  16. How many people other than me didn't show up? I was just as pissed as you guys were that I didn't make it. Had both my alarms set for 7:00, woke up at 9:10. Later that day, I got the message from Jason and someone else (sounded like Ant, but didn't give a name or number) saying they were waiting and disappointed. Sorry about that guys, but believe me I was just as pissed.
  17. http://www.weather.com/activities/other/other/weather/fcst-hrly.html?locid=USOH0855&begHour=9&begDay=283 Not quite sure I'm liking this...
  18. If you seriously are sexy, my backseat is free. tongue.gif Just messin. Seriously, though, I have room in my car if you want the ride up there.
  19. You guys have NO idea what you're missing. WOW! graemlins/jerkit.gif EDIT: P.S. Click on the "Back to the Babes" link on the bottom of the page and check out the rest, like these bitches. http://babes.usefulidiot.com/view/4729/#15 EDIT: And Jason, when were you gonna tell us you got this bitch to pose in your car. http://babes.usefulidiot.com/view/4701/#30
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