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Everything posted by CobraKevin

  1. Very nice! Kate's friends graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/thumb.gif Jenna Jameson graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/thumb.gif
  2. Angelina's lips > any part of any of the other three. Overall, I'd have to go Angelina > Halle > Lindsay > Mariah.
  3. LOL! Anywho, I liked this Blade better than the second one and as much as the first one simply because Ryan Reynolds operates on a level rivaling Stiffler. He's a comedic genious! If it wasn't for him, it would've blew donkey nuts. But since he was in it, it was awesome. Plus, Ms. Biel is hot as fuck too. Wasn't too thrilled about the lack of badassness from Drake, but oh well. Definitely highly worth seeing.
  4. I thought both Blade and Oceans 12 were awesome. Blade was better, but I'd still got see Oceans 12 again.
  5. CobraKevin

    wanna race?

    I remember reading an article a while back about a Focus with my engine in it. smile.gif
  6. I definitely could not help but laugh my ass off after I watched that entire video, not because farting is funny, but because the thought that some people find that shit (no pun intended) arousing is so bizarre you can't help but laugh. Personally, I think I would be instantly turned off.
  7. Put it on a dyno and find out, lazy bastard. smile.gif I don't know, I always thought the more drivetrain the power had to be transferred through, the more power that would be lost in transition. Just a guess, though.
  8. K-4: Violet Elementary - Pickerington, Ohio. 5-6: Pickerington Middle School - Pickerington, Ohio. 7-8: Pickerington Junior High - Pickerington, Ohio. 9-12: Pickerington High School Central - Pickerington, Ohio. Currently at Devry in Columbus. Yup, I've been to lots of places...
  9. Or you could get your Z06, buy a turbo for it, then reach a LITTLE further into the abyss you call "pockets" and turbo mine for me. Then we could get make some QUALITY vids. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. smile.gif
  10. 75% of statistics are made up on the spot, 40% of people know that, but only 23.6% of people knowing that report it to others. And there is a 100% chance Marc is gay. Wait, that one's true, according to 84% of the 12% of CR that actually gives a shit.
  11. Damn...that dude got fucked up.
  12. Umm...don't these women know that porn pays much more than Mickey D's?
  13. Saw it last night. Not gonna post a full review since it's unfortunately not worth my time to do so. Movie itself was okay. The battles, while scarce, were nicely done and a 90% nude Rosario Dawson is a great thing. But while I'm not a homophobe, that was literally the gayest movie I've seen since Birdcage. I just read in my Entertainment Weekly that Alexander was a bisexual, but goddamn. They portrayed more of his sensual side than they did his conquering side, which IMO defeats the whole purpose of an epic war tale. Besides, the sly homosexual vibe between Alexander and Hephaistion was one thing, but that fucking servant numbnuts in Babylon creeped me the fuck out. :barf:
  14. That's $50 less a month than my payment and I got screwed on negative equity. I'd say no.
  15. If you can sustain fine on your own, simply propose the ultimatum to him: "Either change your attitude or change residences." Tell him you'll leave if he doesn't and he'll be fucked. If he still gives you shit, leave. See how he likes it.
  16. I don't know the whole history of Artest, but I know I'd have been pissed the fuck off as well if someone threw a fuckin beer cup at me. Don't know if I would've ran up the stands and threw the guy to the ground, but I would've been fucking pissed.
  17. Wow. Finally beat the first level, almost beat the second level, but didn't, and the damn thing starts you BACK at the beginning?! Fuck that.
  18. I'm willing to bet hand eye coordination had about 4% to do with how well he did. You play a specific "song" enough, you memorize it by heart, just like lyrics to your favorite songs. One of your favorite songs comes on the radio and you don't even think about the lyric coming up because you already know it. Same thing is happening here, just quite a bit more extreme. Still crazy at any rate.
  19. I just hate how people take incidents like this and put the blame on Marines and shit for doing "more than necessary" or whatever you wanna call it, then the very next day the same people turn around and blame the President for the deaths of American marines. Well maybe if you people (those that make a big deal out of shit like this) would let our Marines kill the opposition, less of our Marines would die. It's sickening how hypocritical some people in this country are.
  20. Yeah, video was kind boring, but the fact that Kimbo lost is funny. They were extremely tired after the first couple minutes and were throwing punches like slugs.
  21. Ya know that little indestructible black box they have on an airplane? Why not make the entire goddamn plane out of the same shit? How exactly does a hot water heater serve a purpose? There is no need to heat hot water. Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive? And finally...when you're slowly driving through a residential area looking for an address, why the FUCK do you turn the radio down?
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