Summary: Hugh Jackman plays Van Helsing, virtually the most wanted criminal/murderer in Europe. He works for a secret agency of monks who "use" him to vanquish evil wherever it arises. The most recent assignment is to help the last remaining family members of a specific family tree to kill Dracula, who the family has been unsuccessfully attempting to do for the past four centuries. The underlying reason is to make good on a deal that the first member of the family made with St. Peter to get into Heaven. Kate Beckensale and her brother are the last two.
Pros: Kate is hot as fuck, Dracula's three brides are hot as fuck, pretty sweet special effects, the guy who plays Dracula is pretty fuckin cool, and the fight scenes especially the ending one are awesome.
Cons: Some of the scenes are dramatically overdone (meaning many of the hits/falls the characters took should have killed them) and no bewbies.
Overall: I was expecting 4 stars, and I was satisfied, so it's probably right around there. Probably worth checking out while in the theater if not for the special effects and fight scenes, then for Kate...'cause she's hot. smile.gif