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Everything posted by CobraKevin

  1. Crankshaft, your sig rules.
  2. That is quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen. Awesome.
  3. I thought it was just plain awesome rather than funny. Totally sums it up.
  4. CobraKevin

    wtf, mates?

    So old, yet so entertaining and well worth reposting. It doesn't get much better than the Ozone yelling "FU" and flipping ya the bird.
  5. "You're not perfect sport. And let me save you the suspense; this girl you met - she isn't perfect either. The question is whether or not you're perfect for each other. That's the whole deal, that's what intimacy is all about." Robin Williams, Good Will Hunting. That and what Joel said have to be two of the truest relationship statements ever.
  6. His twin brother maybe? smile.gif
  7. "There she is, Ken. You may remember (insert random name here) as last year's strap-on tour calender girl." graemlins/thumb.gif
  8. CobraKevin

    Oh My God

    Doug's sig owns me...I hate you Doug. smile.gif
  9. Awesome. I'm also curious as to how that bike was dodging the cars in the far lane...
  10. Definitely ain't anyone out there better to talk to than that man right nyah ^.
  11. I wouldn't throw her outta bed, but I wouldn't do everything in my power to get her there either.
  12. Third one was tight as hell! smile.gif
  13. Old, but freaked the shit outta me the first time I watched it. Definitely cool.
  14. http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/content/atom_656
  15. James Hensler is a buddy of mine. Jason Fowler (Stolen 5.0 on here) works with him and they've always done a kickass job.
  16. My buddy told me about The Fly or somethin in which the fly was saying that to some dude and ended up flying through the guy's head. Is that what you're referring to, Steve?
  17. LMMFAO! "OH OH OH OH OH OOOOHHH!" I'm sorry, but who the fuck sounds like that when they're in pain? LOL!
  18. Horribly fuckin gay, yet at the same time amazingly funny. smile.gif
  19. CobraKevin

    Mario Piano

    That's fuckin pimp. A buddy of mine said he saw one of a guy playing it on guitar. I'll have to see if I can dig it up. EDIT: Didn't take long... http://boingboing.net/2004/04/03/guitar_virtuoso_perf.html (right click save as WMV link)
  20. CobraKevin

    Check this out

    Yeah, he's pretty terrible. And it's pretty terrible that someone that's pretty terrible gets a pretty terribly high amount of publicity. I don't get it at all.
  21. CobraKevin

    IQ Tests

    Didn't know the difference was THAT large, so in that case it is kinda gay. I don't think so many people on here are geniouses, but I do think that if you can get the same answers in a quicker amount of time, you're smarter. Plain and simple.
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