oh well...i always have had fun takin a couple kids i know up there. i guess if hes wanting to go sport fishing for a challenege, it wouldnt be the best spot, but if hes just looking to go and catch a few fish for dinner, thatd be fine. i always loved going out there when i was a kid, which is why i pass it on to a couple kids i know
and shut down rainbow lake? its a guys private pond that he lets people fish in. its not like its an organized business or has to report to any government agencies (im sure). the guy is like 130 years old, cant see or hear shit. hell, hes so old, he just ran over his dog w/ the lawnmower a couple years ago...the same dog that he could tell to go get a landing net, a bucket, or a quart of oil, and the dog could do it. hes just doing it to let the time pass by and let people have some fun