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Everything posted by morabu

  1. that's one sick bitch! i never have liked the rear end on those though
  2. i have the same one and it plays anything you wanna throw at it, you can get them at places like target and wal-mart as well! plays xvid and divx as well
  3. don't expect a very fair deal on most! most card stores are there for the sale only, and when they buy they try to ass rape!
  4. morabu

    strip clubs

    Columbus Gold has probably the hottest girls oth the best overall enviornment.....however as of the last time i was there there are topless only after that it has got to be pure platinum which is right next door and they get asshole nekid after that i dunno, it's a toss up between quite a few others!
  5. eehhhhh while it's always cool to see celebs havin fun that was nothin special!
  6. morabu

    Name this song

    for anyone else interested that song is by N.E.R.D. you probably recognize the voice...it is pharell williams he is half of the group pharell is one half of the super producers the neptunes and that was part of their first album i believe
  7. NO NO! he owns these websites for all the different systems out and coming soon, he then gets people to donate through paypal until he has enough money to buy 1 and then he will wait in line on day 1 of release....just to see the reactions from all the different types of fanboys when he smashes the shit out of the system! he looks to do the same to the PS3 next summer! that should be real fun!
  8. ^^ and it plays them quite well in fact! ^^ just open media player, right click on the windows icon in the upper left hand corner of the window then..... go to tools, options, click on the file types tab and put a check into the dvd video box if not already there....and viola!
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2631795034636589131 just look at these guys faces when this happens, there are in disbelief!
  10. i have a few vids of theirs, he is just rediculous though!
  11. AHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no seriously..........burn it NOW!!!
  12. to add something else to this! i happened across RAVEN RILEY live on there! she does her shows on wednesday at 5.... i think that was the time. it was oh soo hawt if your into her like most are!
  13. 1st link is not working for me
  14. dude, i had serious abdominal pains from watching the first one, then even more after the second! how in the fuck could you do that to yourself?..........weirdo's
  15. yeah, that why i never bought any mmorpg's almost all pay to play, and i just won't do it, not after i already bought the game
  16. my sister was wanting one, i'll see if she's interested...
  17. ok....the kid that started it all WOULD GET AN ASS KICKING OF E P I C PROPORTIONS!
  18. morabu

    OMG shes hot

    yeah, i think that guy is a bit too infatuated!
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