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Everything posted by morabu

  1. morabu


    AH HAHAHAHA good shit
  2. if that is real, just imagine all the scabbing that would occur! OUCH!
  3. i posted it in a pm i just sent you!
  4. well...so far this is what i get from her crown vic probably eats too much gas (i.e. no V8) she needs 4 doors automatic a plus, wants me to teach her to drive a stick and once again NO repairs needed please! thx, J.R.
  5. my sister has gotten her income tax back and is looking for a second car to haul the kids around in she needs something RELIABLE and that doesn't need work done on it, the higher the MPG the better also....LEMME know what you got! THX, J.R.
  6. pretty cool stunts, that must have taken a little while to get the trust and timing down!
  7. Signature 14607 i miss speedvision, i REALLY miss F1...that's my favorite racing, followed by MotoGP and WRC........SCREW ASSCAR!!
  8. AH HAHAHA that was disgusting!
  9. MIR's SUCK! they are only there to MAKE $, if they weren't they would give the discount at the checkout! over half of the people who buy MIR products either don't send them in or do so late, so NO $ for you! then the ones that do half of them get the hassle of having to call and bug the shit outta the company asking "where the fuck is my $" SO the company who offers the MIR gets to "look" like they are giving a great discount when most of the time they are MAKING $ FUCK MIR's!
  10. +1 newegg.....that is where i buy all of my parts for personal and customer builds +1 for zipzoomfly as well, i shop there when newegg doesn't have what i'm looking for on sale! and i must say that i love the free shipping and wish newegg would go back to tht more!
  11. i swear i just got that of my whatboyswant.com site the other day! that was hillarious!
  12. sausage nipples?! that chick is HAWT!
  13. W O W that was quite gay! i should have followed my instincts and not opened this thread!
  14. that is one sick ass volvo! i wouldn't complain if i had that car
  15. that father is a fucken Puss! my son wouldn't be able to sit down at school for month!
  16. i remember seeing that a couple of months ago. that little mexican got his ass laid out!
  17. that was pretty cool, a little cheesy...but funny!
  18. this chick is way hotter than that 3000gt girl!
  19. O.....M.....G.....!!!!! i dunno what's more disturbing? 1. a naked ugly fatman 2. said fatman has NO visible weiner!? 3. said fatman is dancing VERY femininly!? i.e. rubbing nipples/man boobs and shaking ass ok....i'm gonna go gouge my eyes now!
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