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Everything posted by morabu

  1. more http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1514.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1524.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1532.jpg
  2. more http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1517.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1521.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1508.jpg
  3. ok, so it being like the most beautiful day in a long time i decided to take my son to the park, we decided to go to "The Homestead" down the road in Hilliard. i took my digi cam to take pics of my son (naturally), and once we got there i was just dumbfounded at the amount of HOT hilliard Mom's that were at the park too! now don't get me wrong, i don't believe any of these women are 10's, but i do believe they are ALL very cute for being age/mom's........so without any further wait here you go! let me know what you think! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1506.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1507.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1511.jpg
  4. pics updated ::side note:: if you are curious the tires are 195/60 r14's unmatched treads
  5. Ibout fell outta my chair i was laughing soo hard!
  6. that's pretty fucked up right there!
  7. i know, i cleared my cache yesterday and they were gone, i have them hosted through yahoo, i wonder if they stopped allowing hotlinking or something?
  8. + 1 possibly might need a new board if there is no bios update that supports that high a chip!
  9. morabu


    ^^ LMFAO ^^ now that's some funny shit right there!
  10. I'm SOOOOO ready for the warmth!
  11. hmmmmm.......that's odd i'm looking at them right now as i type, wonder what the deal is!
  12. DIBS!! is there anything wrong with it/going bad on it? has it been serviced? i must speak with the wife 1st, but major 1st dibs!
  13. morabu

    posting pics

    URL your welcome
  14. my friend needs a new hard drive, his is freezing and reporting bad sectors and "chunking up" in general, so 40 gigs or more if you got it! also he wants some more memory for his P4 1.7, he needs some rdram pc800 anything up to 512 mb's, let me know what you got please!
  15. a buddy of mine just had his vid card crap out on him and he's in need of a new one! so anything like a GeForce 4 Ti4200 or ATI 8500LE would be welcomed or better if your feelin' generous
  16. you still have the vid card? if your interested i need it for my buddies computer, he's willing to give you $35 for it, only reasoning on this is that i just sold my 5600 like a month ago for $50 itself, or else he would have gotten mine so if your interested let me know
  17. unfortunately i can't use your rims! i need 5*100, however i do have some rims and tires you may want! they are 14's though, so who knows, but here is a link if interested http://www.columbusracing.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=24&t=002124#000000
  18. hey jason, why don't you come over for a dual purpose..... 1) so i can take a look at it 2) so incase i don't want it i can take some pics for you, you know as well as i that pics will always help motivate a buyer!
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