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Everything posted by morabu

  1. cool, i was on my way there next, lookin for freebies of it thx though!
  2. morabu

    Ultimate Video Card.

    historic hunk-o-junk! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif
  3. btw....where is everyone getting their desktopx from? when i go to the main site it wants you to buy a version with no ability to highlight the free version? help thx, j.r.
  4. shit, you can never go wrong with a katie price "jordan" pic as your desktop, .....nice
  5. LMFAO, he kept going back to "sniff the panties"!!!!!
  6. HAHAHAHA, that was awesome....she was way hott!! thx!
  7. i get alot of my themes, desktop pics, and logon/bootscreens from here: http://www.themexp.org/
  8. her face isn't "the gfreatest", but she is by no means UGLY, btw....great tits!
  9. i thought it was good, but i didn't care for the way it was spliced into like 3 mini stories, just my style really, i guess it was just conveying what goes on in(basin)SIN CITY, and not ment to follow a single storyline, i just think it would have been a little better if the 3 stories were a little more connected i guess and have a specific reason and ending maybe! oh well, good movie none-the-less!
  10. now that's a worthy remake, pretty funny!
  11. morabu

    gotta go

    then come and get it, and bring those parts with you, might be able to get a few sold for you while your here!
  12. morabu

    gotta go

    Jason....i can get you farcry , just stop by if you come down to Columbus!
  13. ^^ LMAO ^^ that was pretty funny, however as much as you might think so, i'm not that weird........SORRY FOR THE DISAPPOINTMENT!
  14. so what's the question? do you need advice on one to get? EZ CD6 or 7, NERO5 or 6, Alcohol 120% or are you lookin for a freebie? i have none
  15. media player classic, as well as quite a few other i can't remember?
  16. WOW.....didn't think a few pics would SCARE people....to any women that take offense to this....I APOLOGIZE...truly, i am sorry....pm me if you want and i will remove the pics.
  17. Thank You, THEY ARE JUST PICTURES! people post pics on here all the time that have naked women, and hidden cam pics/vids! all these women are fully clothed and it's not like i was sneaking around stalking these women, GET A GRIP PEOPLE!!!! i went to the park to enjoy the day WITH MY SON, it just so happened that while i was taking pics of my son i also took 10-15 pics of decent looking mom's while i was there, GET OVER IT! but....everyone's entitled to their own opnion
  18. i figured there would be some wise guys in here! sex offender? = HELL NO! need laid? = get it quite often, but always willing to get extra! you guys need to relax and lighten up, they are just pics, if you don't like them tell me and i will remove them no prob!
  19. p.s. if i got anybody's MOM or WIFE.......sorry! i'm sure i'll get a few jokesters claimig this!
  20. and the last one's http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1538.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1535.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1549.jpg and finally...one of my son.....flirting and petting a dog! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1515.jpg
  21. more http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1534.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1539.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/MILFs/HPIM1548.jpg
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