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Everything posted by morabu

  1. sorry for jumping in on the thread like this, but....do you^ have any pics of those rims as i would probably trade my ps2 and maybe some change with it if i like them!
  2. morabu


    good shit jason, congrats!
  3. nothin Super special, just somethin i've been saving since 99
  4. morabu

    Humor for 7/13

    now THAT WAS FUNNY!!!
  5. thx, i will tell her when she gets off of work later and see what she thinks
  6. my wife was wondering if these were still available? if so please respond as her entire unit at columbia gas is being laid off at the end of August.
  7. just getting rid of a few things that i wont be able to take to our new house i have a nice desk for sale if anyones interested $40 OBO http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/stuff%20for%20sale/HPIM1212.jpg old sega genesis (console only) $5 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/stuff%20for%20sale/HPIM0186.jpg Cannon S200 printer works fine needs ink, can have the empty cartridges, usb cable not included $10 OBO http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v649/morabu/stuff%20for%20sale/HPIM13890.jpg my nephews old beat up power wheels 4wheeler 1996 model i think needs a battery but i'm pretty sure it still works, no battery or charger included $10 WATERBED w/ bladder, heater, liner, and frame! everything you need to fill and use! CALIFORNIA KING SIZE, underbed drawers, dark brown wood, early 90's frame, newer bladder, liner $65 OBO maybe a few other things i'll post later thx, J.R. edited subject line updated prices added a few items [ 24. July 2005, 07:11 PM: Message edited by: Morabu ]
  8. why in god's name would you ruin a perfectly good Ferrari with that paint job! keep that paint where it belongs, on the charger!
  9. that shit looks hardcore! very cool
  10. the song is called "goin down" and the Xecutioners ARE just a mix of linkin park static x and a few others i believe!
  11. not bad, nothin special though!
  12. morabu

    One Time Deal

    ^^ wow hater! ^^ i think this is a very cool thread and i will contimplate this and come back with an answer!
  13. openoffice.org free and legal and 100% compatable with microsoft office files/extensions!
  14. VOOM is GONE! everyone with VOOM is being switched to dish at additional costs! so i would go with TW
  15. i don't care how old it is, that car is BADASS!!! i would love to make my car into a single seater, center drive vehicle!
  16. morabu

    I R GONE

    shitty deal man!
  17. i was also considering gettin VoIP, but if you search the web a litle bit you will find out that this is very poorly regulated and not very secure! phone conversations can be very easily recorded by a decent hacker so take your chances, i'll wait till it's more proven
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