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Everything posted by LJ

  1. There are quite a few law blog articles on it. It's a PR issue. A stupid one at that. Many think that he should have had 3 counts, harrasing, intimidating, and involuntary manslaughter. Black and smoked weed? He probably should've been locked up years ago!!! The fact that every account says that words were exchanged before the fight leaves it very probable that is what Zimmerman did. Yeah, and it's uncomfortable driving with your gun pushing into your hip from the seatbelt, so he most likely grabbed it as he was getting out of the car. And his actions leading up to the shooting is the image giving responsible gun owners a bad name.
  2. You may have an issue finding a company that will come roll a gutter for you, then just leave it for you to install. They would probably lose money to just come out and do that.
  3. Because the DA wanted to be able to say "we charged him to the full extent of the law". It was a question. You don't know any more than I do. It's very believable, due to Zimmerman's history, to put forward the theory that he attempted to put Martin under citizen's arrest. Where did I say that? Did he not grab his gun before he got out of the car to go play cop?
  4. intimidation, harrasment, all kinds of things it could be. How do we know that Zimmerman didn't try to intimidate Martin by showing him the gun? Or was trying to grab him to make his citizen's arrest? Zimmeran was wrong to begin with. He was wrong to grab the gun and get out of the car.
  5. The shooter was wrong to get out and go after Martin. He just wanted to get his rocks off playing cop.
  6. I posted links in the other thread. I believe in the confirmed stories, all went to the cops before Zimmerman could get them to stop. I think that would help sway the jury towards the prosecution. Althought I still think that Murder 2 is a ridiculous charge and it should be no more than manslaughter. What bothers me is that the guy has played cop for years. He most likely thought he was going after Martin to make some far fetched citizens arrest. Regardless of where the fight started, what we all need to do is take a step back and realize that his vigiliantism ended up with someone dead.
  7. The comments in that article keep calling him a "wannabe thug" and "wannabe gangbanger" I'm sorry, but if someone has killed 3 people, I don't think they are a "wannabe"
  8. *facepalm* I think there goes the argument that the NCAA punished OSU because of hubris, when Oregon has been as uncooperative and cocky as possible. I think it just goes to show, just like when you get pulled over for a DUI, you dont blow and dont do the tests because then the state has no evidence against you. Cooperating just proves your guilt.
  9. Aaron Hernandez has been arrested
  10. Then they would be accepting Oregon's self imposed punishment.
  11. LJ

    Ran a toll ?s

    Check the PennDOT website. I know the NYS Thruway is like $25 for first ticket
  12. There are plenty of bands at Communist Fest at Goodale Park
  13. When we brought our son home, he would not sleep if you laid him down on his own. I laid in bed with him sleeping on my chest for a few hours at a time so my wife could get some sleep. I was afraid to sleep because I worried I would roll over on him. Honestly, so far it's one of my favorite memories and even though i didn't sleep, I would never give back that bonding.
  14. They have Jake Ballard, so Tebow still won't get a chance to see the field lol
  15. Pretty sure its widely accepted as fact that he was in a gang in HS
  16. Brains like this is why you have awesome hair
  17. It is the boat. Someone on reddit was behind it on 40 after they got it off of 270 and followed them. They parked it at the fire academy while ODOT redid the permits
  18. Um, the exit is divided for about 2-3 miles.
  19. Its right in the article Police said that the driver went off his designated route. Those with large loads are required to have a permit and are issued a specific route to follow. Police said that the driver was supposed to exit I-270 at Main Street, but he kept going. Police said the driver was going to be cited.
  20. I hope he chews into Bucknuts. Their owner is a scumbag and I don't really like the way they do business
  21. Gene Smith named to the NCAA Council of Athletic Directors http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324688404578547781699014930.html
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