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Everything posted by LJ

  1. You said that you are worried Manning will end up like Brett Favre. I'm saying that going 24-12 over 2 years with a hurt shoulder that requires surgery one season, and then barely losing to the Super Bowl Champs in the NFC title games isn't a fail. Oh, let's not forget that was with 2 different teams, with no training camp either time. Peyton can only be so lucky to lucky to have a final 4 years like Favre's. 2 NFC title games. Set passing records. Etc. Do they? We all know that he would be best suited for the Packers or Jets, they would put him at the position he is most suited. Career backup.
  2. I'm gonna send him a bill for crashing my helicopter
  3. Sprinkled with GIF's of the whirlybird?
  4. Long racist rant filled with every racial slur you can think of. That would get you perma'd pretty quick
  5. LJ

    CR docs...

    My wife is a veterinarian and she said you must have heartworm. But seriously http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis
  6. One play away from the super bowl his first year with the team?
  7. He was not successful QB last year. His team was, but he was quite bad. 60% completion is a successful QB. He was under 50%.
  8. Toronto Argonauts for 2 cases of beer and a box of Cubans
  9. DeShaun Thomas definitely OSU's MVP for the first weekend. 49 points and 19 rebounds. Also scored 10 straight points in 4 minutes with Sully off the floor in foul trouble. Thomas may be the best player on the team :gabe:
  10. No, just a .gov sanctioned free website. Still have to pay for ur score
  11. LJ


    Ya http://www.dispatch.com/content/graphics/2012/03/15/flood2.JPG
  12. LJ


    The storm that came through Thurs morning at 3:30am was worse than this one.
  13. LJ


    Nothing more than a normal storm. Wasn't worried. Never left the couch
  14. The fish of 10,000 casts
  15. I use a cheap Krieghoff O/U
  16. ????? https://www1.oh.wildlifelicense.com/start.php Stores do nothing else other than use this website. Licenses are 100% web based through this system. It even prints on normal paper now.
  17. Just reading the tagline of this forum should be all you need to know.
  18. I honestly think if Matta ran more plays to get Thomas isolated, he would be a 20+ ppg/season player. All the dude does is score and get rebounds
  19. http://i.imgur.com/vHOAs.jpg
  20. If OSU turns the ball over like they did last night, Gonzaga is gonna run them right outta the gym.
  21. LJ

    Boat Storage Help

    Well, I seem to have lucked into an unused, gated boathouse with lift on Buckeye Puddle.
  22. LJ

    Boat Storage Help

    Damn, $510 for all year isn't bad. I may have something else in the works, and should know by the end of the night. If that doesn't work, I'll definitely give them a call tomorrow. thanks again
  23. Ask him if he has any defective knives for sale. I've gotten nice knives there at less than his cost because it was maybe missing a meaningless set screw here, or had a scuff there. Nice guys there. The owner is kinda weird, but very nice and helpful.
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